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 Excursiones imprescindibles en Luxor - Qué Ver y Hacer
 Consejos sobre Viaje a Egipto
 Motonave MS Blue Shadow I, II y III - Nilo
 Gran Museo Egipcio GEM - Guiza, El Cairo
 Visita del Valle de los Reyes (tumbas reales) - Luxor
 Egipto: Lista de Viajeros Febrero de 2025
 Tarjetas Luxor Pass y Cairo Pass. Egipto
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Galería de Fotos de Egipto - Photo Gallery of Egypt

Page 1 of 9

 Pictures of Travels in Egypt: Cairo, Kings Valley, Alexandria, Pyramids, Guizeh, Abu Simbel, Elephantina

  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>
Go to big photo: Gurna -Valley of the Noblemen -Egypt   Gurna -Valley of the Noblemen -Egypt
  Author: m2ra
  Text: The old town of Gurna where the tombs of the Valley of the Noblemen are located (many tombs are under their houses). The government has made a new Gurna and it has provided them house with enough similar comforts although they have had to force them to leave. A complicated topic.
Go to big photo: Camel ride -Kings Valley- Egypt   Camel ride -Kings Valley- Egypt
  Author: m2ra
  Text: Our camels that are everyone males (they are stronger and they work the field). In Aswan they are female because they are more dedicated to the tourism. Their names, Bob Marley and Wolf-wolf. To the donkey they called him Ali-dribble.
Go to big photo: Rubi, the captain, and M2ra -Egypt   Rubi, the captain, and M2ra -Egypt
  Author: m2ra
  Text: Our splendid captain of the Queen Diana; Ruby and the official, "M2ra.".
Go to big photo: Medinet Habou -Egypt   Medinet Habou -Egypt
  Author: m2ra
  Text: Medinet Habou, view from outside.
Go to big photo: Queens Valley -Egypt   Queens Valley -Egypt
  Author: m2ra
  Text: Deir the Medina, view to the bottom of the Valley of the Queens.
Go to big photo: Deir el Medina -Kings Valley -Egypt   Deir el Medina -Kings Valley -Egypt
  Author: m2ra
  Text: View of the town of Deir el Medina. On the west of the picture, the temple of the town dedicated to Hat-hor.
Go to big photo: View of Medinet Habou -Travel in globe over the Kings Valley -Egypt   View of Medinet Habou -Travel in globe over the Kings Valley -Egypt
  Author: m2ra
  Text: View of Medinet Habou and the desert to the bottom.
Go to big photo: View of Gurna -Travel in globe over the Kings Valley -Egypt   View of Gurna -Travel in globe over the Kings Valley -Egypt
  Author: m2ra
  Text: View of Gurna, the Ramesseum and to the left, Medinet Habou.
  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>

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