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Country Report
Bolivia: Guía Completa: Artículo cedido por la Revista Aviación y Turismo (La revista de los Profesionales del Turismo). Bolivia, conocida como "El País del Altiplano" es un país de diversidad, dividido en 9 departamentos, que tiene como capital constitucional a la ciudad de Sucre y como sede administrativa a la ciudad...
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Galería de Fotos de Bolivia - Photo Gallery of Bolivia

Page 1 of 10

 Photos of a Trip in Bolivia: La Paz, Sucre, Lago Titicaca, Copacabana, Potosi, Tiwanako, Tiwanaku, Cobija, Amazon river rain forest

  Total Pictures: 74   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>
Go to big photo: Obstruction in the road Potosí - Uyuni   Obstruction in the road Potosí - Uyuni
  Author: Daniel-Viajero y Mariana
  Text: A truck remained stopped in the land and nobody more could advance.
Go to big photo: Going to Uyuni Salt   Going to Uyuni Salt
  Author: Daniel-Viajero y Mariana
  Text: Often, the access to Uyuni Salt is covered of water. Only it is possible to arrive with 4x4.
Go to big photo: Uyuni Salt   Uyuni Salt
  Author: Daniel-Viajero y Mariana
  Text: Uyuni Salt is a highlight of the trip.
Go to big photo: Autostop   Autostop
  Author: Daniel-Viajero y Mariana
  Text: Vehicles appear and disappear in the infinite.
Go to big photo: Having lunch at Uyuni Salt   Having lunch at Uyuni Salt
  Author: Daniel-Viajero y Mariana
  Text: We ate meat of flame with salads.
Go to big photo: Blocks of salt   Blocks of salt
  Author: Daniel-Viajero y Mariana
  Text: Workers pile up the salt in blocks to dry and sell.
Go to big photo: Cemetery of trains at Colchani   Cemetery of trains at Colchani
  Author: Daniel-Viajero y Mariana
  Text: Near the salar several railway formations join oxide for centuries. Graceful legends were marked in his punished irons.
Go to big photo: Cemetery of trains at Colchani   Cemetery of trains at Colchani
  Author: Daniel-Viajero y Mariana
  Text: The real ghost train? With these trains the salt was moving to the ports for exportations.
  Total Pictures: 74   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>

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