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Fotos de un viaje por Estonia, visitando su bella capital medieval: Tallin, Pirita y Kadriorg. El castillo de Toompea, la ciudad vieja, Ayuntamiento, Catedral de Alexander Nevsky, St Olav, pasaje de Sta Catalina... Pictures of a trip in Estonia, visitting Tallinn and some places around: Pirita, Kadriorg... Pictures about: Toompea Castle and Hill, Alexander Nevski Cathedral, Kiek in de Kök, St. Olav's Church, Fat Margaret's Tower, St. Catherine's Passage
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Kiek in de Kok - Tallin - Estonia Kiek in de Kök - Tallinn - Estonia Author: A. De Cara Text: Kiek in de Kok era la torre artillera mas poderosa de todo el norte de Europa durante el siglo XVI. Fue construida al final del siglo XV y tiene un diametro de 17 metros. Kiek in de Kok was the most powerful cannon tower in 16th-century Northern Europe. The tower was built in the latter part of the 15th century, had a diameter of 17 meters.
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Catedral Alexander Nevski - Tallin - Estonia Alexander Nevski Cathedral - Tallinn - Estonia Author: A. De Cara Text: Es la iglesia de cúpula mas grande de Tallin, fué construida en 1900 sobre la colina de Toompea, cuando estonia formaba parte del imperio de los zares rusos. Alexander Nevski Cathedral is Tallinn’s largest cupola cathedral. This large, richly decorated Orthodox church was built on Toompea Hill in 1900, when Estonia was part of the Russian tsarist empire. The architect of the church was Mikhail Preobrazhenski.
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Vida nocturna - Tallin - Estonia Nightlife - Tallinn - Estonia Author: A. De Cara Text: La ciudad posee una alegre vida nocturna, especialmente los fines de semana. The town has a great nigthlife, specially in the weekend.
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El Ayuntamiento de Tallin - Estonia Tallinn Gothic Town Hall - Estonia Author: A. De Cara Text: Este edificio gótico tardío es el uno de los mas afamados edificios de la ciudad mediaval y de toda Estonia. This late Gothic building is one of the most famed symbols of the city, recognized throughout Estonia as a venerable, unique architectural treasure.
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Farmacia de la Plaza Mayor - Tallin - Estonia Town Hall Pharmacy - Tallin - Estonia Author: A. De Cara Text: La mas antigua farmacia de toda Europa todavía funcionando, su primera mención historica data de 1422. The pharmacy, which stands on the corner of the Town Hall Square, was first mentioned in historical documents in 1422. It is one of the oldest pharmacies still functioning in its original spot in all of Europe.
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Castillo de Toompea - Tallin - Estonia Toompea Castle - Tallinn - Estonia Author: A. De Cara Text: El castillo de Toompea fue construido durante los siglos XIII y XIV y es uno de los grupos arquitectónicos mas importantes de Estonia. El parlamento tiene su sede en este complejo. Toompea Castle, built during 13th and 14th centuries, is one of Estonia's oldest and grandest architectural groupings. The Estonian Parliament is housed in the complex.
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Vista general de la ciudad vieja de Tallin General View of the old Town - Tallinn Author: A. De Cara Text: Vista de la ciudad medieval desde un mirador. En el centro la famosa iglesia de St Olav, a la izquierda parte de la muralla de la ciudad. View over the Old Town. In front of St. Olav Church. On the left, part of the city wall.
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Parque de Kadriorg - Tallin - Estonia Kadriorg Park - Estonia Author: A. De Cara Text: Este parque arbolado está situado a 2km de la ciudad vieja. El palacio de estilo barroco del zar Pedro el Grande alberga un museo. El barrio preserva algunas bellas casas de madera. The park, 2km east of Tallinn's Old Town, is pleasant and wooded. The baroque Kadriorg Palace, it was designed for the Russian Tsar, Peter the Great, by Italian Niccolo Michetti. The palace was built between 1718 and 1736 and the great man himself even laid three of its bricks. It now houses the Peter the Great Museum.
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