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Country Report
Guia de Estonia y Tallin: Estonia es un país de 1,5 millones de habitantes de los que un tercio vive en la capital: Tallín. Esta república ex soviética tiene un largo pasado de dominación por las potencias circundantes. Primero los vikingos daneses, luego los suecos, los alemanes y por último los rusos han controlado e...
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Galería de Fotos de Estonia - Photo Gallery of Estonia

Page 1 of 4

 Pictures of a trip in Estonia, visitting Tallinn and some places around: Pirita, Kadriorg... Pictures about: Toompea Castle and Hill, Alexander Nevski Cathedral, Kiek in de Kök, St. Olav's Church, Fat Margaret's Tower, St. Catherine's Passage

  Total Pictures: 29   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 >>
Go to big photo: Harbour of Tallinn - Estonia   Harbour of Tallinn - Estonia
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Many tourist visit Tallinn in a short one-day-trip from Helsinki (80 Km) but just the old medieval town worth more than one day.
Go to big photo: Port of Tallinn - Estonia   Port of Tallinn - Estonia
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: The port of Tallin is one of the most important of the Baltic sea, with diary departures to St Petersburg, Helsinlki, Stockholm, Riga and other destinations.
Go to big photo: Fat Margaret's Tower (Paks Margareeta) - Tallinn   Fat Margaret's Tower (Paks Margareeta) - Tallinn
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: The Great Coastal Gate and Fat Margaret's Tower (Paks Margareeta) were built as a defense on the seaward side of town, but also for impressing the new visitors coming in from the sea.
Go to big photo: Kiek in de Kok - Tallinn - Estonia   Kiek in de Kok - Tallinn - Estonia
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Kiek in de Kok was the most powerful cannon tower in 16th-century Northern Europe. The tower was built in the latter part of the 15th century, had a diameter of 17 meters.
Go to big photo: St. Catherine's Passage - Tallinn - Estonia   St. Catherine's Passage - Tallinn - Estonia
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: This narrow street is a landmark of the city combining master craftsmen's workshops with a medieval atmosphere.
Go to big photo: Streets of Toompea - Tallinn - Estonia   Streets of Toompea - Tallinn - Estonia
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Beautiful houses with facades of colors give its special charm to the Old City..
Go to big photo: Public Transport - Tallinn - Estonia   Public Transport - Tallinn - Estonia
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Town Hall square. The old town has not public transport inside, but there are some original resources in this area.
Go to big photo: Amber with insect inclusion - Tallinn - Estonia   Amber with insect inclusion - Tallinn - Estonia
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Amber jewels fascinates with its appearance of liquid gold, forever frozen in time. The probably most famous deposits and certainly the largest are in the Baltic region. It represents around 80% of the worlds known amber resource.
  Total Pictures: 29   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 >>

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LosViajeros.com    LosViajeros.net    Travel-Pic.net    A. De Cara 2005


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