BARCELONA AIRPORT be aware !!! ✈️ Foro The Independent Traveller (English)

#1:  BARCELONA AIRPORT be aware !!!  Autor: Anonymous Enlaces Publicado: Mar, 14-12-2004 22:20


- El aeropuerto esta atacando con halcones a aves

migratorias protegidas. Echandolas de sus lagunas

para evitar las colisiones con los aviones de la

nueva tercera pista.

- The airport is attacking migratori protected birds

whit falcons. Making them of form their natural

lacunes to protect colisions with airplanes from

the new runaway.

- Los despegues y aterrizajes por la 3 pista producen

mas de 100db sobre 6000 habitantes, escuelas,etc..

No cumple las leyes españolas ni europeas.

- The takeoff and landig of airplanes produces 100db

over 6000 people, schools, etc..

Ignoring Eu and Spanish law.

- El aeropuerto ha destruido y contaminado

reservas naturales protegidas por EU, ha

talado 20.000 pinos de una de las ultimas

pinedas mediterraneas.

- The airport has destryed and poluted a

natural reservoir protected by EU laws. Has

cuted 20.000 pines, from one of last

mediterranean forest. :-Y

#2:  BARCELONA AIRPORT be aware !!!  Autor: Spainsun Enlaces Publicado: Lun, 09-05-2005 18:16
Four messages has been deleted in this Topic because they were in Spanish and he subject was not "TRAVELS".

There is other message about the same topic in Spanish in our forums.

Please send the Spanish messages in our Spanish forums.

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