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Caranvanseray de Orbelian , s. XIV ✈️ Georgia's Gallery ✈️

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Es fácil evocar los viajeros de la Ruta de la Seda
Selim Mountain Pass , 2410 mt
Selim, Mountain, PassInterior del Caravanserai
Interior, Caravanserai
Caranvanseray de Orbelian , s. XIV
Caranvanseray, Orbelian, Ruta, Seda, fácil, evocar, viajeros
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Velada, Bohe, Cafè, cena, deliciosa
Picture information
Author(s):Belluguet's profile
Album name: Castillo, Catedrales y Monasterios
Rating (1 votes): (current rating : 3 / 5 with 1 votes)
Keywords (separated by commas):Caranvanseray, Orbelian, Ruta, Seda, fácil, evocar, viajeros
Localización:Georgia Georgia - (392 Photos)
Publish date:
Dimensions: 800 x 600 pixels
Displayed:40 times
EXIF data
Date taken:2019:08:26 12:30:03
Exposure time:0.001 s (1/955)
Focal length:3 mm
GeoPositioning (GPS)
Altitude:2368.1 m
Google Maps:See on Google Maps

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