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Castillo de Corvin ✈️ Romania's Gallery ✈️

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En Hunedoara se encuentra este espectacular castillo. merece la pena el desvio hasta esta localidad para poder verlo.
Rumania Transilvania BrasovBiertan
Rumania Transilvania Biertan
Castillo de Corvin
Rumania Transilvania Hunedoara
Sibiu, Plaza Mica
Transilvania Sibiu RumaniaCastillo del Conde Dracula
Rumania Transilvania Bran
Picture information
Author(s):Menaydav's profile
Album name: Cajon de Sastre
Rating (2 votes): (current rating : 5 / 5 with 2 votes)
Keywords (separated by commas):Rumania Transilvania Hunedoara
Title English:Corvin Castle
Description English:In Hunedoara is this spectacular castle. worth the detour to this town to view it.
Localización:Romania Romania - (451 Photos)
Publish date:
Dimensions: 604 x 452 pixels
Displayed:3929 times
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