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Atardecer en Tel Aviv ( vista desde Jaffa) ✈️ Israel's Gallery ✈️

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La ciudad mas poblada de Israel tiene un skyline marcado por los altos edificios que bordean la playa.
Muro de las lamentaciones
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Atardecer en Tel Aviv ( vista desde Jaffa)
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Picture information
Author(s):Pichi-puchi's profile
Album name: Ciudades y Paisaje Urbano
Rating (1 votes): (current rating : 5 / 5 with 1 votes)
Keywords (separated by commas):tel aviv jaffa yaffo israel
Title English:Sunset in Tel Aviv (view from Jaffa)
Description English:The most populated city in Israel has a skyline marked by the tall buildings that line the beach.
Localización:Israel Israel - (473 Photos)
Publish date:
Dimensions: 800 x 600 pixels
Displayed:1052 times

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