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Monte Popa ✈️ Myanmar's Gallery ✈️

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El monte Popa es otro lugar sagrado para los budistas. El monasterio esta encaramado sobre un cerro de paredes verticales y es accesible solo por una escalera de unos mil peldaños.
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Monte Popa
Birmania, Monte Popa
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Birmania, Bagan, PaganShwedagon, la pagoda de oro - Yangon - rangún
Birmania, Rangún, Yangon, Shwedagon
Picture information
Author(s):Spainsun's profile
Album name: Arquitectura Clásica
Rating (2 votes): (current rating : 4 / 5 with 2 votes)
Keywords (separated by commas):Birmania, Monte Popa
Title English:Mount Popa
Description English:Mount Popa is another sacred place for Buddhists. The monastery is perched on a hill with vertical walls and is accessible only by a staircase of a thousand steps.
Localización:Myanmar Myanmar - (351 Photos)
Publish date:
Dimensions: 600 x 412 pixels
Displayed:1759 times

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