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Nueva Zelanda

Shoulder season cycling set to soar - NZ ✈️ Noticias de Nueva Zelanda

Autor: Oficinas-Turismo Fecha: Martes, 03 Noviembre, 2015 ⭐ Puntos 4 (2 votos)

Tourism New Zealand’s new cycle trail videos showcase some of New Zealand’s most stunning cycle tracks and environs in autumn and add to the rich resources being used to market Nga Haerenga - The New Zealand Cycle Trail. The six new videos include the Great Lake Trail, Rimutaka Cycle Trail, The Old Ghost Road, Queen Charlotte Track, Roxburgh Gorge and Clutha Gold Trail. Each video makes it easy for potential visitors to join the dots on understanding the unique experience of each trail, getting to their desired tracks, finding good nearby accommodation and experiencing must-see attractions en route.

Shoulder season cycling set to soar - NZ

Cycling has been identified by Tourism New Zealand as a special interest activity with the potential to attract travellers in the shoulder season and entice more visitors to a greater number of regions. Data also shows that special interest cycling visitors tend to spend more on their trip to New Zealand than the average visitor making them attractive higher value visitors.

This is part of the drive to attract more cycling visitors and enhance their enjoyment says Tony Rogers, Tourism New Zealand’s Marketing Manager Special Interest.

“By showing how a scenic boat trip connects two sections of a track or where to rest at the end of an action packed day it’s easy for someone planning their trip to envisage themselves riding on the tracks and then make it happen.”

In addition, the older cycling footage - shot in 2013 - is being upcycled to match the new briefer video format with rich story telling. These videos will include the Hauraki Rail Trail, the Otago Central Rail Trail, the Timber Trail, Tasman’s Great Taste and Alps 2 Ocean.

Tourism New Zealand plans to shoot two further cycle trail videos this year, namely the North Island’s Mountains to Sea and Around the Mountains in the South.

Tourism New Zealand markets primarily to the 45+ group when it comes to cycling visitors. These people have the time and resources to travel the way they want at their own pace. Cycling is their primary holiday focus but they are also very keen to experience other activities along the way. They are looking for authentic real experiences and are mostly interested in easy to intermediate trails.

The secondary target audience is the passionate mountain biker who is motivated to ride the best places in the world and take on more advanced tracks.

“Through our research we know that cyclists want to come here to see and experience things that they wouldn’t normally see as a regular visitor,” says Tony.

“Scenery, towns passed through, historic sites, vineyards and cafés are all important to cycling visitors - we know cycling itineraries that include other activities are most appealing.”

The new cycling videos tell part of the story of marketing our Great Rides. Online training modules are used as part of the 100% Pure Specialist Training Programme to help train overseas travel agents to learn about and sell trips to New Zealand. A travel agent needs to complete a total of ten online training modules to become a New Zealand specialist. An online training module geared to cycling is currently being developed to educate travel agents on the Great Rides and how to sell a cycling holiday to New Zealand. It is due to be complete by the end of the year and will be available in up to seven languages.

Cycling guides are also been developed to complement online information for both trade and consumers. In addition to the cycling guides for the Great Rides there’s a walking and hiking guide on the Great Walks and other multi-day/day walks. Tourism New Zealand will distribute these in its offshore markets to trade partners.

Tourism New Zealand has also partnered with AA on a Cycling Trail Guide which is distributed in New Zealand and can be picked up by people already in the country. A new guide with enhanced content is due February 2016.

Additional information

The New Zealand Cycle Trail project was announced in 2009, with the objective of creating a high quality tourism asset that would attract more tourists, create jobs, and boost economic growth in the regions. The New Zealand Cycle Trail estimates that more than 1,200 jobs have been created as a result of the project.

Visit Tourism New Zealand’s online cycling hub for more information:

Read more about Tourism New Zealand’s recent Special Interest and Youth webinar:

Fecha: 03/Nov/2015 02:11:11 (6415 Lecturas) Puntos: 4 (2 votos)

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Fecha: Jue Nov 28, 2024 08:40 pm    Título: Re: Viajar a Nueva Zelanda

Carles, muchas gracias por dejarnos tus impresiones a la vuelta Aplauso Aplauso Aplauso
Imagen: Paulas005
Mensajes: 244

Fecha: Mie Ene 08, 2025 09:00 am    Título: Re: Viajar a Nueva Zelanda

Hola, acabo de llegar de un viaje de un mes por NZ, me quedo por aquí si alguien tiene dudas particulares. Sino, el companero ElPipoViajes ha hecho un gran resumen de consejos!
Un viaje increible que recomiendo encarecidamente, a pesar de estar todavia sufriendo el peor jet lag de mi vida jejeje.
Imagen: Indamatossi.marta
Dr. Livingstone
Dr. Livingstone
Mensajes: 6125

Fecha: Mie Ene 08, 2025 07:06 pm    Título: Re: Viajar a Nueva Zelanda

"paulas005" Escribió:
Hola, acabo de llegar de un viaje de un mes por NZ, me quedo por aquí si alguien tiene dudas particulares. Sino, el companero ElPipoViajes ha hecho un gran resumen de consejos!
Un viaje increible que recomiendo encarecidamente, a pesar de estar todavia sufriendo el peor jet lag de mi vida jejeje.

Se te pasara, lo que llevas visto, no te lo quita nadie¡¡¡ Un saludo
Imagen: Alirivas91
New Traveller
New Traveller
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Fecha: Jue Feb 13, 2025 07:13 pm    Título: Re: Viajar a Nueva Zelanda

Buenas! Soy nueva por aquí y quería preguntar algunas dudas. El 7 de mayo marcho a Nueva Zelanda de luna de miel. He leído que es una época regulera para viajar porque los días son cortos y llueve mucho, pero es cuando me caso y no puedo hacerlo en otro momento. Las dudas así de primeras que tengo (según se vaya acercando el día seguro que me salen 1000 más) son las siguientes: -Teníamos previsto hacer el Tongariro Alpine Crossing, pero estamos viendo que muchas compañías de transporte (los shuttles que te llevan y te recogen desde los pueblos cercanos hasta el comienzo del camino) no...  Leer más ...
Imagen: Venecia1
Moderador Viajes
Moderador Viajes
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Fecha: Jue Feb 13, 2025 07:28 pm    Título: Re: Viajar a Nueva Zelanda

Hola @Alirivas91, bienvenida y enhorabuena por tu boda.

Algunas de tus preguntas tienen hilos específicos, y es mejor si las planteas en ellos.

Te dejo algunos enlaces:
Clima en Nueva Zelanda. Mejor época para viajar.
Tongariro Alpine Crossing (TAC) Trekking en Isla Norte NZ
Ferry entre Isla Norte y Sur ( Nueva Zelanda): Interislander o Bluebridge
Nueva Zelanda: Conducir, Alquiler de Coche y Permisos

Re: Viajar a Nueva Zelanda (1) Foro de Nueva Zelanda

Un saludo.
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