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Galería de Fotos de El Cairo - Photo Gallery of Cairo

Page 1 of 12

 Pictures of Cairo - Egypt: Pyramids, Mosques, Palaces, Museums. Pyrmids of Khefren, Keops, Great Sphinx, Saqqarah...

  Total Pictures: 91   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 >>
Go to big photo: The Great Sphinx-Giza-Egypt   The Great Sphinx-Giza-Egypt
  Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
  Text: Nowadays are missing part of the “uraeus” (sacred cobra), the nose, the lower ear and the ritual beard, which is displayed in the British Museum.
Go to big photo: Khan el Khalili-Cairo-Egypt   Khan el Khalili-Cairo-Egypt
  Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
  Text: Islamic Cairo is one of the best areas to observe the daily life of the city: craftsmen, cafes, stalls, spices and parfums shops.
Go to big photo: Mosque El Hakim-Cairo-Egypt   Mosque El Hakim-Cairo-Egypt
  Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
  Text: The mosque of El-Hakim(built 990-1013)is the second largest Fatimid mosque in Cairo. Its two corner minarets, different in shape and decoration, are the oldest surviving minarets in Cairo.
Go to big photo: The Pyramid of Khafre and The Great Sphinx-Giza-Egypt   The Pyramid of Khafre and The Great Sphinx-Giza-Egypt
  Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
  Text: "From atop these pyramids, forty centuries look down upon you." Napoleon Bonaparte to his soldiers before the Battle of Giza, 1798
Go to big photo: Colonnade-Sakkara-Egypt   Colonnade-Sakkara-Egypt
  Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
  Text: The entrance leads to a colonnade with 40 columns. The long hypostyle hall leads to an open courtyard, which was used by the King, performing the rituals of the jubilee feast, called the Hep-Sed festival.
Go to big photo: The Al Azhar Mosque-Cairo-Egypt   The Al Azhar Mosque-Cairo-Egypt
  Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
  Text: The first Fatimid monument in Egypt was both a meeting place for Shia students and through the centuries, it has remained a focal point of the famous university which has grown up around it.
Go to big photo: Pyramid of Cheops-Giza-Egypt   Pyramid of Cheops-Giza-Egypt
  Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
  Text: It is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids of Giza and it was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years.It is believed it was built as a tomb for Fourth dynasty Egyptian King Khufu (Cheops)over a 20 year period installing approximately 800 tonnes of stone every day that concluded around 2560 BC.
Go to big photo: Step Pyramid of Djoser-Sakkara-Egypt   Step Pyramid of Djoser-Sakkara-Egypt
  Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
  Text: Sakkara, 30 kilometers of Cairo, is best known for the Step Pyramid, the oldest known of Egypt's 97 pyramids. It was built for King Djoser of the 3rd Dynasty by the architect and genius Imhotep.
  Total Pictures: 91   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 >>

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