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Fotografias de Viajes por Estados Unidos: Nueva York, Boston, Filadelfia, Cementerio de Arlington, Cataratas de Niagara, Lancaster Pictures of Travels in USA. New York, Boston, Philadephia, Niagara Waterfalls, Arlington, Lancaster
| Total Fotos: 41 | Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 >> |  |
Capitolio - Washington D.C. - USA Capitol - Washington D.C. - USA Author: J. Pecharroman Text: Fachada del Capitolio Front of the Capitol
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Niagara, cataratas - USA Niagara, waterfalls -USA Author: J. Pecharroman Text: vista desde el mirador de la torre "skylon" sight from the viewing pont to the "skylon" tower
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Casa Blanca -Washington D.C. - USA White House -Washington D.C. - USA Author: J. Pecharroman Text: Fachada de la Casa Blanca Front of the White House
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Boston, Vista desde el Longfelow Bridge Boston, sight from the Longfelow Bridge Author: J. Pecharroman Text: Atardece, cae la niebla y los universitarios entrenan en el rio It gets dark, falls the fog and the university students train in the river.
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Boston, Universidad de Harvard - USA Boston, Harvard University -USA Author: J. Pecharroman Text: Edificio de la universidad Building of the university
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Cementerio Arlington - Washington D.C. - USA Arlington Cementery - Washington D.C. - USA Author: J. Pecharroman Text: Cementerio Arlington, tumbas de soldados Arlington Cementery, soldiers tombs
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Seneca Falls Seneca Falls Author: J. Pecharroman Text: Pequeño pueblo en el estado de NY Little village in the NY state
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Vista de Boston Boston, skyline Author: J. Pecharroman Text: Vista de la ciudad iluminada desde Congress St Sight of the city illuminated from the Congress st
| Total Fotos: 41 | Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 >> |
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