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 Free trip driving to U.K ✈️ Foro The Independent Traveller (English) ✈️ Compartir

Foro de The Independent Traveller (English)  Foro de The Independent Traveller (English): Forum for independent travellers: contact, information, etc (only English Language)
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New Traveller
New Traveller
Mensajes: 1

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EnlacesAsunto: Free trip driving to U.K.

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Free trip driving England, departing 6th of May and returning 2/3 weeks later optional. Must speak English ans Spanish and be conversant with computer and i phone. Call Sandey [editado moderación]
Ir arriba PeterPann

New Traveller
New Traveller
Mensajes: 1

Votos: 0 👍

EnlacesAsunto: Re: Free trip driving to U.K.

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I am Martin Gail. I love teaching, I have 7 years teaching experience in UK, Teaching Statistics to a wide range of students from Elementary level right through to PhD Students. Currently, I am providing my tutoring services at SPSS Tutors. I have a kind and patient style of teaching and love to help and explain. I love reading when I have free time there is nothing better than reading a good science fiction novel. I have a bachelor and master degree in Statistics.
Ir arriba Martingail
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Página 1 de 1 - Tema con 2 Mensajes y 4105 Lecturas - Última modificación: 15/05/2018

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