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 Legoland Denmark ✈️ Foro The Independent Traveller (English) ✈️ Compartir

Foro de The Independent Traveller (English)  Foro de The Independent Traveller (English): Forum for independent travellers: contact, information, etc (only English Language)
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New Traveller
New Traveller
Mensajes: 6

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EnlacesAsunto: Re: Legoland Dinamarca o Alemania

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Don't go to UK and go straight to Denmark. Everything in Legoland consists of countless Lego blocks built with creativity and craftsmanship alike. You'll walk past entire countries built on small scale, entirely out of Lego pieces! You're allowed to bring your own food into the park but there are countless (slightly pricy) food stands and cafes. Overall great experience. Heard bad reviews on UK legoland as well.
Ir arriba MurrayConnolly

Moderador de Zona
Moderador de Zona
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EnlacesAsunto: Re: Legoland Denmark

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I've moved your post to the English Language Forum,

El mundo es un libro y aquellos que no viajan leen sólo la primera página.
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Página 1 de 1 - Tema con 2 Mensajes y 1861 Lecturas - Última modificación: 24/03/2020

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