Addresses and phone numbers of interest from Eritrea ☎️ ✈️ Los Viajeros
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Eritrea Addresses and phone numbers of interest from Eritrea ☎️

Phone numbers of interes for travelers or residents in Eritrea ⭐: Embassy and Consulate Telephone ☎️, address, contact, emergencies, police, hospitals.

- Which are the phone numbers of interest to travel to Eritrea?
- How to contact with the Spains embassy/consulate in Eritrea?
- Where is the Eritrea embassy/consulate in Spain?

Which are the phone numbers of interest to travel to Eritrea?

Prefijo País: +291

Teléfonos de interés:

Teléfonos de la policía local eritrea:


MASSAWA : 00.291.552.113

KEREN : 00.291.401.049

DECAMARE : 00.291.641.005

MENDEFERA : 00.291.611.592

ASSAB : 00.291.660.690

Representación de España en Eritrea:

How to contact with the Spains embassy/consulate in Eritrea?

Embajada de España en JARTUM.

Ctra. Feria Internacional de Jartum (Shara al-Maarad) Edificio 1, Bloque 7/A. Burri El Daraisa - P.O. Box 274 - Jartum.

Teléfonos: (+249) 183 76 36 39 / (+249) 183 26 98 91.

Fax: (+249) 183 74 13 86.

Teléfono de emergencia consular (sólo emergencias): (+249) 912 36 33 77.

Dirección de correo:

Página webSe abre en ventana nueva

Where is the Eritrea embassy/consulate in Spain?

Embajada de Eritrea:

15-17 Wolvendaellaan,

1180 Ukkel, Bélgica

Tel. (00 32)

Fax : (00 32)


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Average score: 4.545
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