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News from Slovenia July 2013 ✈️ Noticias de Eslovenia

Autor: REMO Fecha: Sabado, 27 Julio, 2013 ⭐ Puntos 4 (2 votos)

News from Slovenia July 2013

EuroBasket 2013 - the biggest sporting event in the history of independent Slovenia is less than two months away. Join the countdown as euphoria rises!

Matevž Lenarčič wins the Aviator of the Year award and also beats the "Fearless Felix". Hostel Celica – award winner as the most innovative hostel, placed among 25 most unique hotels in the world and ranked among the top most popular hostels according to the world tourist guide "bibles" such as Lonely Planet and Rough Guides - is at its 10th anniversary also one of the most extraordinary and innovative places from all the continents described in the publication 501 Great Places to Stay.

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News from Slovenia July 2013

Main July highlight news

Less than two months before EuroBasket 2013 euphoria rises

News from Slovenia July 2013 (1)

EuroBasket 2013 - the biggest sporting event in the history of independent Slovenia is less than two months away. Tickets for the first round of EuroBasket went on sale on the 1st July and the official video of the anthem of the championship is now publicly available. The underlying theme of the video is Slovenian fans, the winners of the "I Feel Basketball" competition. The video wants to show the euphoria before the championship and stress the important contribution of Slovenian fans to the success of the team and the championship. The new issue of the EuroBasket 2013 Magazine is also about to be published very soon. more...

Beekeeping tourism in Slovenia, the land of good beekeepers

News from Slovenia July 2013 (2)

Beekeeping has been an important traditional farming activity in Slovenia, which dates long back into its history. Today it is increasingly becoming a tourist product offering an authentic experience in close harmony with nature and heritage. The beekeeping tradition in Slovenia is very long. Anton Janša was the first beekeeping teacher in imperial Vienna. It has also some particularities such as the unique painted beehive panels and the special traditional architecture of the bee houses. more...

Matevž Lenarčič wins the Aviator of the Year award

News from Slovenia July 2013 (3)

The Slovenian extreme pilot Matevž Lenarčič received the majority of votes and won best aviator of the year at the Flightglobal Achievements Awards. Lenarčič flew around the globe for the second time with a Pipistrel ultralight aircraft. This year he flew above the North Pole and thus convinced the highest number of people to vote for him. His victory is even more important because the competition was very strong. more...

Slovenian UNESCO treasures tour

News from Slovenia July 2013 (4)

Slovenia used to have only one site on the UNESCO world heritage list for almost thirty years - the unique underground world of the Škocjan Caves. However, in the past two years, another two cultural sights were added. The first is the small town of Idrija with more than 500 years of mining tradition and the second one is the prehistoric crannogs at the Ljubljansko barje moor, the unique marshy plains south of the Slovenian capital. more...

10 years of Hostel Celica - among 501 Great Places to stay

News from Slovenia July 2013 (5)

Hostel Celica is this year celebrating its 10th anniversary and has been listed among the most popular accommodation facilities in the world. This renowned hostel in Ljubljana, which used to be a military prison and was later artistically renovated and turned into an accommodation facility with a unique concept and special artistic value, was selected by the British publishing company Octopus Publishing Group and included in a prestigious guide 501 Great Places to Stay. more...

Spa trade show SPA-CE moves from Slovenia to Hungary

News from Slovenia July 2013 (6)

A specialised trade show for spa and wellness tourism has been successfully organised in Slovenia on four occasions and is now changing its location to Hungary. The trade show was meant to have an effect beyond Slovenian borders from the outset and it is now well recognised on the professional market in the Central European region. The interest in hosting this trade show in other European countries with a long lasting spa tradition has made the trade show even more high-ranking and popular. more...

Culinary senses in Ljubljana and the region are awakening

News from Slovenia July 2013 (7)

Culinary development is on its way. This can be seen and felt everywhere regarding numerous projects that are currently in the running in Ljubljana and throughout the entire Central Slovenia Region. In line with the national culinary strategy that has been implemented by the Slovenian tourist organisation for many years under the slogan "Taste Slovenia", Ljubljana has set up a regional culinary strategy and issued a culinary guide entitled The Taste of Central Slovenia, which features the best suppliers of culinary offers from the region. more...

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640704 Lecturas
Imagen: Cimberlitas
Super Expert
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Mensajes: 290

Fecha: Mie Feb 05, 2025 12:06 am    Título: Re: Eslovenia: Que visitar, alojamiento, rutas

Dos noches en la costa eslovena...ya de regreso a venezia
Mes de mayo
Donde dormir??
Imagen: Rubiko77
Travel Addict
Travel Addict
Mensajes: 32

Fecha: Mie Feb 05, 2025 05:39 pm    Título: Re: Eslovenia: Que visitar, alojamiento, rutas

"cimberlitas" Escribió:
Dos noches en la costa eslovena...ya de regreso a venezia
Mes de mayo
Donde dormir??

Yo dormi en PIRAN una noche.
Imagen: Cimberlitas
Super Expert
Super Expert
Mensajes: 290

Fecha: Jue Feb 06, 2025 07:53 pm    Título: Re: Eslovenia: Que visitar, alojamiento, rutas

"rubiko77" Escribió:
"cimberlitas" Escribió:
Dos noches en la costa eslovena...ya de regreso a venezia
Mes de mayo
Donde dormir??

Yo dormi en PIRAN una noche.

Vamos con coche, no sé si será el mejor sitio ...Pirán , lo visitaremos pero para dormir, preferíamos otro sitio....
Imagen: Cimberlitas
Super Expert
Super Expert
Mensajes: 290

Fecha: Jue Feb 06, 2025 09:15 pm    Título: Re: Eslovenia: Que visitar, alojamiento, rutas

Mejor koper o portoroz??
Imagen: Cimberlitas
Super Expert
Super Expert
Mensajes: 290

Fecha: Jue Feb 06, 2025 09:16 pm    Título: Re: Eslovenia: Que visitar, alojamiento, rutas

"cimberlitas" Escribió:
Mejor koper o portoroz??

Para dormir...
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