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Restaurante-Comida Traditional Christmas Menu Ideas ✈️ Foro The Independent Traveller (English) ✈️

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Traditional Christmas Menu Ideas

As you may know, one of the most festivals of the year is Christmas. It is an occasion for family members return to their families and have a great time with whom they love and not just for that, it’s also a time for people to enjoy great traditional meals together. Here are some traditional Christmas menu ideas for this chritmast that you may have for your Christmas party:

1. Turkey

With the simple and easy recipe, Roast Turkey is considered the famous food around the world and must have it at this time. It is the best dish with plenty of ingredients like salt, pepper, oil, bread, pork minced, mushrooms, carrots, onion with some other kinds of vegetables. We often put all of these ingredients in the turkey body then put it in the oven for roasting in a proper time until it’s completely cooked.

2. Yule log cake

Yule log- this original cake is from France. Its shape is special, looks like a tree trunk and many people believe that it will bring happiness and peace to them. It made from eggs, chocolate, sugar, cream, syrup etc. You can add more ingredients you like and it’s also very easy to make, you could also decorate it with flour, tree branch, and fresh strawberry with any shapes you want. For example, you can make it like a trunk tree with chocolate surrounds it.

3. Gingerbread

Gingerbread is a great cake and good for health in the winter time with plenty of ingredients consist of ginger, sugar, flour, salt, honey, egg… The shape is the variety with tree, heart, ribbon, a girl or a boy shapes. The recipe is really simple as well. Is it actually a lovely cake, right? I think you want to see them more before eat them and I’m sure that children will be really like them because of these lovely shapes.

Gingerbread - Traditional Christmas Menu Idea

4. Pudding Yorkshire cake

It is a famous traditional cake in England. The ingredients are super simple with only eggs, milk, and butter. However, it has a beautiful smell, attractive and often used for the dessert at Christmas time. You can use it with the main food, with jam or fresh cream like a dessert. This is considered the best dish with the shape looks like small bowls that everyone likes around the world.

Traditional Christmas Menu Ideas - Foro The Independent Traveller (English)
5. Eggnog

It is a kind of cocktail made from egg yolk, milk, cream, and sugar. You can also mix these with wine like brandy, rum or whiskey, it is your choice. If you don’t put the wine into it, it will become a good meal for children and adults also with a beautiful smell. Eggnog often appears in England, Canada and America at this time.

Eggnog - Traditional Christmas Menu Idea

There are many foods you can choose for Christmas time. These are just some traditional foods that I think the best foods for your choice. They are typical foods and super easy, super simple to make with the simple ingredients as well. You should try this menu and enjoy it. I believe you will love it so much.

Have a great Christmas day!
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