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Questionmark Manhattanhenge en Nueva York: qué es, fechas, fotografía ✈️ Foro Nueva York y Noreste de USA ✈️

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Enlaces Asunto: Re: Manhattanhenge en Nueva York: qué es, fechas  Publicado: Mensaje destacado Responder citando

Willy Fog

Willy Fog

Mensajes: 36668

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El Solsticio de Manhattan, más conocido como “Manhattanhenge”, es un fenómeno donde el Sol se alinea con las calles de la ciudad de Nueva York.

Al ponerse el Sol se alinea con las calles que discurren de este a oeste. Ocurre dos veces al año: en torno al 28 de Mayo y al 12 de Julio. ...attanhenge

Para los que os acerqueis por nueva york en mayo o julio! ...?v=v73450b
To look is one thing,
To see what you look at is another,
To understand what you see is a third,
To learn from what you understand is something else
But to act on what you learn Is what really matters
Ir arriba El Solsticio de Manhattan, más conocido como “Manhattanhenge”, es un fenómeno donde el Sol se alinea con las calles de la ciudad de Nueva... Wanderlust 121 Fotos Compartir:
Enlaces Asunto: Re: Manhattanhenge en Nueva York: qué es, fechas  Publicado: Responder citando

Willy Fog

Willy Fog

Mensajes: 36668

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Me ha encantao lo de "one of the most-instagram worthy moments"

Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green
To look is one thing,
To see what you look at is another,
To understand what you see is a third,
To learn from what you understand is something else
But to act on what you learn Is what really matters
Ir arriba me ha encantao lo de one of the most-instagram worthy moments. Wanderlust 121 Fotos Compartir:
Enlaces Asunto: Fechas Manhattanhenge 2019 en Nueva York  Publicado: Responder citando

Willy Fog

Willy Fog

Mensajes: 36668

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Fechas Manhattanhenge para 2019

Manhattanhenge Dates for 2019:
Wednesday, May 29th at 8:13 p.m. EDT, you will see a “half sun” — that is, half above and half below the landscape.
Thursday, May 30th at 8:12 p.m. EDT, you will see a “full sun,” with the entire solar disk resting above the horizon.

If you miss out in May, you’ll get a second chance in July, on the 11th and 12th. On the first July date, a “full sun” will appear at 8:20 p.m. EDT, while on the second date, we get the “half sun” effect at 8:21 p.m. EDT.


The best streets to capture the event are the larger cross streets that ensure the best views of the west-northwest horizon (toward New Jersey), including 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd, and 57th. Neil DeGrasse Tyson notes, “The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building render 34th Street and 42nd Street especially striking vistas.” ...enge-21851

Es algo que sigue en la lista de pendientes!
To look is one thing,
To see what you look at is another,
To understand what you see is a third,
To learn from what you understand is something else
But to act on what you learn Is what really matters
Ir arriba Fechas Manhattanhenge para 2019. es algo que sigue en la lista de pendientes! Wanderlust 121 Fotos Compartir:
Enlaces Asunto: mejores sitios para ver el Manhattanhenge en Nueva York  Publicado: Responder citando

Willy Fog

Willy Fog

Mensajes: 36668

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Más info sobre los mejores sitios!

Best Manhattanhenge Viewing Spots
Wide cross streets are the best viewing spots. Go at least an hour early if you want to get a good spot. The best spots get crowded.

79th Street
59th Street
42nd Street includes the Chrysler Building.
The Tudor City Bridge is a good spot for Manhattanhenge sunsets.
34th Street includes the Empire State Building
14th Street ...ttanhenge/
To look is one thing,
To see what you look at is another,
To understand what you see is a third,
To learn from what you understand is something else
But to act on what you learn Is what really matters
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