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Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... ✈️ Noticias de Alemania

Autor: REMO Fecha: Domingo, 15 Julio, 2012 ⭐ Puntos 4 (2 votos)

Now it’s official – we’re in the premier league! Congratulations to the Fortuna Düsseldorf team on their success. But it’s not just in football that we’re first class: The Düsseldorf art and cultural landscape and mega events such as the Biggest fun fair on the Rhine can hold their own too. Visit us and enjoy exciting football matches, excellent exhibitions and high-calibre, international performing arts. We look forward to your visit.

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer...


12th Düsseldorf Festival of France

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... (1)

Most people know France for its good food, its outstanding wine and, above, for its savoir vivre. This feel for good living will be transported to Burgplatz from 13th to 15th July with an original French market, typical French specialities and a Francophone musical programme...more

The Biggest fun fair on the Rhine

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... (2)

The funfair city will be erected for the 111th time at its picturesque location in the Oberkasseler Rheinwiesen (Oberkassel Rhine Meadows) from 13th to 22nd July. Spread across the 165,000-square-metre meadows, local and international exhibitors will present a wide selection of rides guaranteeing fun for all the family. Like last year, one of the highlights will be the grand fireworks display on the last day of the fun fair (20th July). Come along, have a great time, and then let the night wind down quietly in Düsseldorf. We are offering hotel packages starting from only 52 euros per person…more

Düsseldorf Festival! The Festival for Performing Arts

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... (3)

From this year, the “altstadtherbst kulturfestival düsseldorf” will be known as the “düsseldorf festival!” and will be remaining true to form with the new name, inviting visitors to discover, dream and marvel from 12th September until 3rd October. Look forward to international co-productions and German premieres, as well as fringe events and rarities...more

Art & Culture

International Dance Exhibition NRW

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... (4)

The world’s biggest exhibition for Contemporary Dance will be taking place in Düsseldorf from 29th August to 1st September, with 243 exhibitors from 34 countries. This exhibition isn’t only interesting to the organisers and professionals, as it has been specifically designed not to be an exclusive gathering for insiders. Following the grand inauguration at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, more than 60 companies – including two of Taiwan’s most important contemporary companies, Cloud Gate 2 and the Legend Lin Dance Theatre and Beijing Dance/LDTX – will be displaying their work to a broad cross-section of the public...more

Andreas Gursky. New works

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... (5)

Andreas Gursky is one of the world’s most important contemporary photographers. Apart from the digital processing of colour photography the hallmarks of his work include the often extremely large formats, the extraordinary depth of field in his photographs, and the ambivalent perspective of his motifs. The Museum Kunstpalast shows work from the artist’s current creative phase for the first time, complemented by an exclusive selection of photographs from recent years (22.09.2012 – 13.01.2013) …more

100 x Paul Klee – Geschichte der Bilder (History of the Paintings)

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... (6)

From 29th September 2012 to 10th February 2013 for the first time the Kunstsammlung will be showing all 100 works by artist Paul Klee in its possession at an exhibition which has been optimised in terms of curation and conservation. The Düsseldorf Klee collection – probably the biggest single collection of the artist’s works in a German museum – offers an unparalleled insight into the work of this multifaceted artist…more


Tito & Tarantula

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... (7)

The US rock band achieved international fame in 1996 after appearing in the film “From Dusk Till Dawn”. One of the featured songs, “After Dark” has remained its biggest hit to date. The band will be rocking the zakk Halle on 11th July…[url=[tpage]=events_info&tx_bpdticket_pi1[id]=26090]more[/url]

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... (8)

He became famous as the main songwriter and lead guitarist of the legendary band “Oasis”. After numerous disputes with the band’s frontman – his brother Liam Gallagher – he finally left the band in 2009. His first solo studio album was released on 17th October 2011 and made it straight to the top of the British album charts, while also reaching No. 11 in the German charts. Noel Gallagher will be paying Düsseldorf a visit on 3rd October when he’ll be performing at the Mitsubishi Electric HALLE…[url=[tpage]=events_info&tx_bpdticket_pi1[id]=131814]more[/url]


Berenberg High Goal Cup 2012

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... (9)

Four high-calibre teams will be competing for the sixth time for the Berenberg High Goal Cup at the Düsseldorf Polo & Country Club from 6th to 8th July. More and more people are discovering this sport for themselves – be it on horseback or as spectators. In recent years, people have already been queuing up, even before the first ball was played…[url=[tpage]=events_info&tx_bpdticket_pi1[id]=79938]more[/url]

T³ Triathlon Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf News - Here comes the summer... (10)

The T³ Triathlon – including the 1st Triathlon Federal League – will be taking place for the second time in Düsseldorf on 8th July. This year a record-breaking 2,200 competitors will be taking part. The programme includes the sprint distance (750 m swimming, 20 km cycling, 5 km running) and the Olympic distance (1.5 km swimming, 40 km cycling, 10 km running). The T³ Triathlon in Düsseldorf is the second in a total of four stages of the 1st Triathlon Men’s and Women’s Federal League…more

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Fecha: 15/Jul/2012 16:34:41 (24491 Lecturas) Puntos: 4 (2 votos)

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Ciudad-Localidad Tema: Düsseldorf: Visitas, hoteles, transporte, comer - Alemania
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Fecha: Lun Nov 21, 2022 10:57 am    Título: Re: Düsseldorf: Visitas, hoteles, transporte, comer

¿Alguien me puede orientar dónde puedo conseguir un free tour en español en la ciudad de Dusseldorf para el viernes 25 de noviembre 2022? Todo lo que encuentro es en español y en inglés. Teníamos reserva con civitatis pero nos lo han cancelado. Mil gracias.
Imagen: Veruskina
Silver Traveller
Silver Traveller
Mensajes: 23

Fecha: Sab Dic 03, 2022 05:12 pm    Título: Re: Düsseldorf: Visitas, hoteles, transporte, comer

Hola a tod@s! Mañana volamos a Düsseldorf 3 personas. Estaremos del domingo 4 de diciembre hasta el 8. Me he hecho una lista de los sitios imprescindibles de la ciudad y los mercadillos pero tengo muchas dudas con los transportes a Colonia. Lo dicho somos tres personas y queríamos pasar un día entero allí con vuelta a Düsseldorf de nuevo. Qué opción recomendáis más barata?. Me dicen el bhan para zona 5 y otras personas el NRW ticket. Otros hablan de comprar unos billetes en un kiosko librería donde la estación central. Es que los precios me parecen muy dispares. Cuál es lo mejor...  Leer más ...
Imagen: ANGEMI
Moderador de Zona
Moderador de Zona
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Fecha: Jue Feb 01, 2024 01:52 pm    Título: Carnaval de Düsseldorf 2024 - Alemania

Carnaval de Düsseldorf 2024
del 8 al 14 de febrero

El carnaval de Düsseldorf comienza cuando se despierta el "Hoppeditz". El Hoppeditz es una figura de bufón interpretada por un conocido artista de carnaval. Sin embargo, la temporada de locura termina el miércoles de ceniza. La figura del bufón en forma de marioneta se incinera entonces en el jardín del Museo de la Ciudad de Düsseldorf en medio de grandes lamentos, y se le da sepultura simbólicamente. El domingo y el lunes tienen lugar en Düsseldorf celebraciones especialmente exuberantes y multitudinarias. La fiesta tiene lugar a lo largo de la Königsallee y en el casco antiguo. Al final, esta procesión del Lunes de Carnaval es la segunda más grande de Alemania.

Información en: ...mania.html ...s/carnival
Imagen: ANGEMI
Moderador de Zona
Moderador de Zona
Mensajes: 31637

Fecha: Vie Abr 05, 2024 02:54 pm    Título: Düsseldorf: UEFA EURO 2024

Euro 24: Public Viewing en Düsseldorf

Cinco partidos del campeonato UEFA EURO 2024 se jugarán en el estadio Arena de Düsseldorf. Pero el centro de la ciudad también invita a los amantes del fútbol a celebrar y a hacer descubrimientos interesantes: desde las callejuelas del casco antiguo, pasando por la arquitectura internacional del barrio MedienHafen, hasta un auténtico palacio de cuento, Düsseldorf ofrece la posibilidad de descubrir muchos lugares especiales. Además, en esta ciudad a orillas del Rin todo queda cerca. La Torre del Rin, la Königsallee, el palacio Benrath… merece la pena visitar todos estos lugares dignos de ver, cada uno de ellos con su propia historia.

Durante el campeonato UEFA EURO 2024 la ribera del Rin se convertirá a su paso por Düsseldorf en un public viewing spot. Allí se retransmitirán todos los partidos de la selección alemana y aquellos que se celebren en Düsseldorf. Es el lugar ideal para reunirse y disfrutar relajadamente antes de terminar la jornada en el casco antiguo junto al resto de los amantes del fútbol.

Düsseldorf: UEFA EURO 2024 (1)

Düsseldorf al detalle

Información facilitada por Oficina de Turismo de Alemania:
Imagen: Javierpp
New Traveller
New Traveller
Mensajes: 1

Fecha: Lun Jun 17, 2024 09:58 am    Título: Bar ASTURIANO en DÜSELDORF

Hola viajeros

Este domingo 23 de junio de 2024 estaré en Düseldorf y me gustaría saber si alguien conoce o sabe de algún bar regentado por asturianos o españoles para poder ver el partido de fútbol del Español contra el Oviedo.

Muchas gracias
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