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New Traveller
New Traveller
Mensajes: 1

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EnlacesAsunto: Re: Flights offers in Europe

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Guys, can we give me some good tips about cars?

New Traveller
New Traveller
Mensajes: 1

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EnlacesAsunto: Re: Flights offers in Europe

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Hello! Yes, I have one good tip about cars. Do not buy a car. Obviously, this is a waste of money. Why? First, you need to pay a huge sum for a car. Secondly, machines require constant technical inspection, which also requires high costs. Also, cars need to be refueled. As a result, a huge amount of money will be spent annually on servicing your car, although you could, for example, invest this money. Therefore, I consider buying a car a waste of money.
If I need to move around the city, I rent cars in services such as
It is much more convenient! After all, you have to spend money only on gasoline. I have been renting cars for 3 years. I recently made a calculation and with the help of it I determined that I saved about $70,000 on car rental
Yes, maybe my calculations are inaccurate, but I'm sure it is not far from the truth
Ir arriba Tot3ntanZz

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EnlacesAsunto: Re: - spam rent-a-car

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Both oh you suspended by spam.

Nuestro idioma ha tardado 12 siglos en llegar hasta su forma actual... por favor, cuídalo.
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Página 1 de 1 - Tema con 3 Mensajes y 1282 Lecturas - Última modificación: 29/05/2020

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