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7 day ticket for archaeological sites and museums in Greece ✈️ Noticias de Grecia

Autor: spainsun Fecha: Domingo, 08 Enero, 2012 ⭐ Puntos 4 (2 votos)

With a single ticket seven days can now be interested to visit the archaeological site of Acropolis, Ancient Agora, Roman Agora, the Library of Hadrian, the Theater of Dionysos, the Olympieion, the Museum and the Archaeological Site of Kerameikos. The new fares will apply from the spring, namely the following season. The aim is to enhance the tourist appeal and traffic, with tickets available, the largest one day. Simultaneously adjusted some values to archaeological sites have been manipulated.

7 day ticket for archaeological sites and museums in Greece

Favor the adoption of uniform tickets to places of archaeological interest across the country, including even seven-day cultural routes yesterday advised members of the Central Archaeological Council (KAS).

In Athens, it will be a single ticket seven days which will include a ticket 12 euros regular 6 euros and reduced.

Ticket seven days will also apply to the National Archaeological Museum, the Epigraphic, the Monetary, Byzantine and Christian Museum, which will cost around 8 euros and 4 reduced.

In Attica also proposed cultural itinerary seven days, with tickets $ 10 million over the 5 and the reduced, including the Archaeological Site and Museum of Marathon, the Archaeological Site and Museum Vravrona Museum Lavrion Archaeological Sites Sounion and Rhamnus and free visits to the Archaeological Site of Thorikou the Lavrion and Brexiza in Nea Makri, where the temple of the Egyptian gods.

For Thessaloniki, inter alia, a seven-day ticket 12 and € 6 for visitors to the Archaeological Museum, the Museum of Byzantine Culture, the White Tower and the Baths of Paradise, and free will are the visits to Makedoniko Tomb Phoenix, Yeni Mosque and Tower Triangle.

Also, apply a single ticket overnight and cost 10 and 5 euros for the Archaeological and Byzantine Museum, and the White Tower.

Delphi proposed single ticket seven days in the price of 9 euros (5 euros reduced), including the Archaeological Site and Museum of Delphi Museum Amfissa, the Monastery of St. Luke, the Archaeological Museum Distomo and Archaeological Museum Lidoriki (when complete restoration, which may be included in the NSRF).

Will be provided free to visit the Archaeological Site of Orchomenos and the Archaeological Museum of Chaeronea.

In seven days ticket 10 euros in all and 5 reduced, will also include destinations such as archaeological sites and museums of Mycenae, Epidaurus and Nafplion, a free visit at the Heraion of Argos and the Fortress of Palamidi. Also, 6 and 3 million would cost the seven-day cultural journey that will include the Archaeological Site and Museum of Mystras and the Archaeological Museum of Sparta, with free visits to the Archaeological Collection of Monemvasia and the Museum Tower Pikoulakis Areopolis.

The seven-day ticket to the Palace of Nestor, the Archaeological Site and Museum of Messina will cost 8 euro (3 euro concessions) and include a free visit to Niokastro Pylos, reports of service YPPOT and Archaeological Site Peristerias. Seven and 4 euro cost of single tickets seven days in the Archaeological and Byzantine Museum of Ioannina and the Archaeological Site of Dodona, with free entrance to the Castle of Ioannina, in photographic exhibitions of Konitsa and Paramythia. Will be more expensive single tickets for the Rose, which will include visits to all sites and museums on the island, costing 20 and 10 euros, but will be cheaper than all alone together.

In Crete, will apply to all counties. For example, in Heraklion, the single ticket costs 12 euros and 6 will include the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, the archaeological site of Knossos, Phaistos and Agia Triada, with free visits to Fort Koules , the Archaeological Sites Ancient Gortyna, Malia and Moni Varsamonero.

In the Cyclades there will be, among others, seven days tickets for museums and archaeological sites neighboring islands such as Naxos and Paros (10 and 6 euros), Andros and Tinos (6 and 4 million), while in Santorini visitors may be in the same space and having to pay a single fare 8 euros (4 euros reduced) to visit the archaeological sites and museums on the island.

Seven-day period tickets will be valid for museums and archaeological sites, whole county as the Argolid and Ilia (12 euros full and 6 concessions) of Euboea and Boeotia (7 and 4 million), Achaia (6 and 3 million) of Aitoloakarnania and Corinthia (8 and 4 million), etc.

Fecha: 08/Ene/2012 13:30:55 (7323 Lecturas) Puntos: 4 (2 votos)

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Fecha: Jue Ene 23, 2025 06:55 pm    Título: Re: Viaje a Atenas - Grecia: Consejos, visitas, entradas

Hola! En mayo estaremos 4 días en Atenas, aunque llegamos el día 1 y prácticamente todos los lugares de visita estarán cerrados al ser festivo nacional. ¿Alguna sugerencia para aprovechar ese primer día? Llegamos bien prontito (sobre las 07:00h al centro de Atenas), y aunque ese día nos lo tomaremos más de relax, no sabríamos muy bien por dónde enfocarlo. Lo mismo para los siguientes 3 días. El 2 y el 3, los dedicaríamos a Acrópolis y demás lugares incluidos en el ticket combinado, y el último día también lo tenemos casi al completo, ya que el vuelo sale casi a las 23:00h. Para ese...  Leer más ...
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Fecha: Jue Ene 23, 2025 07:41 pm    Título: Re: Viaje a Atenas - Grecia: Consejos, visitas, entradas


No sé si seguirá siendo así pero yo estuve hace unos años en fin de año y el día 1 nos pasaba lo mismo, la mayoría de cosas estaban cerradas. Pero el estadio panathinaiko estaba abierto. Creo recordar que porque no pertenece al ministerio de cultura.
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Super Expert
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Fecha: Jue Ene 23, 2025 08:06 pm    Título: Re: Viaje a Atenas - Grecia: Consejos, visitas, entradas


No sé si seguirá siendo así pero yo estuve hace unos años en fin de año y el día 1 nos pasaba lo mismo, la mayoría de cosas estaban cerradas. Pero el estadio panathinaiko estaba abierto. Creo recordar que porque no pertenece al ministerio de cultura.
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Silver Traveller
Silver Traveller
Mensajes: 13

Fecha: Jue Ene 23, 2025 08:14 pm    Título: Re: Viaje a Atenas - Grecia: Consejos, visitas, entradas

Buenas tardes: Nosotros visitamos Atenas el verano pasado. Repetimos un viaje de hace 10 años por el Peloponeso, pero está vez llevamos a nuestro hijo de 17 años. Uno de los días en Atenas decidimos hacer un free tour en español del barrio de Exarhia, el barrio anarquista, y nos gustó mucho. A lo mejor no es lo que esperáis para un primer día,.pero nos contaron muchas cosas Interesantes de la historia reciente del país y de su situación actual. También vimos el.barrio y nos explicaron callejero, con algunas verdaderas obras de arte. Nos gustó mucho a los tres y para rematar...  Leer más ...
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