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 Hello everyone (Welcome to the Forum) ✈️ Foro The Independent Traveller (English) ✈️ Compartir

Foro de The Independent Traveller (English)  Foro de The Independent Traveller (English): Forum for independent travellers: contact, information, etc (only English Language)
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New Traveller
New Traveller
Mensajes: 1

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EnlacesAsunto: Hello everyone (Welcome to the Forum)

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Hello everyone (Welcome to the Forum)

Última edición por Tan1998 el Lun, 12-03-2018 10:05, editado 3 veces
Ir arriba Tan1998

Moderador de Zona
Moderador de Zona
Mensajes: 39684
Ubicación: Llangréu (Asturies)
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EnlacesAsunto: Re: Hello everyone

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tan1998 Escribió:
Hello everyone, I'm Tan and this is the first time i take part in this forum, i hope will add many friend to talk Sonriente share to the other one about my passion

Hello and welcome to our forum Muy feliz
I have moved your message to the Englsh Language Forum Guiño

"Lo mejor de los viajes es lo de antes y lo de después". Maurice Maeterlinck
Ir arriba Chamiceru Leer Mi Diario(10 Diarios de Viajes) 191 Fotos

Silver Traveller
Silver Traveller
Mensajes: 17
Ubicación: Madrid, España.

Votos: 0 👍

EnlacesAsunto: Re: Hello everyone

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tan1998 Escribió:
Hello everyone, I'm Tan and this is the first time i take part in this forum, i hope will add many friend to talk Sonriente share to the other one about my passion

Hello Tan and every one!!!, nice to meet you, i am new in this forum, i am from Madrid, España. And i didn`t know about of a forum in english, i wanna practice and i think that this is a good oportunity for that, and meaby i can teach you some spanich, haha. And of course i wanna talk and know about of the experience of every one here! Heart
(if you see some big o little mistake in my english let me know please haha)

Hechos y no palabras!... Os mando un beso!
Ir arriba PaulaCueva

Silver Traveller
Silver Traveller
Mensajes: 15

Votos: 0 👍

EnlacesAsunto: Re: Hello everyone (Welcome to the Forum)

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Hi, I live in Gambia. Nice to know this Forum
Ir arriba Amara33
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Página 1 de 1 - Tema con 4 Mensajes y 3980 Lecturas - Última modificación: 27/04/2018

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