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Ultimas opiniones ⚠️ ACCOMODATION IN ARGENTINA ✈️

Foro de Travel Offers  Foro de Travel Offers: Foro de Commercial forum: travel Offers in English Language.
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Enlaces Asunto: ACCOMODATION IN ARGENTINA  Publicado: Responder citando


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Hi, my name is Josefina, I have a big house in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have

single, double, and share rooms for rent. Breakfast, internet, TV cable, music and

a very beautiful terrace included. We are close to the city center and situated in a turistic zone.

We have information about tours, tango classes and shows, discotheques, and we can help you

with everything you need.


Ir arriba Hi, my name is Josefina, I have a big house in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have single, double, and share rooms for rent. Breakfast... Compartir:
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