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  Terremoto en Christchurch -Isla Sur- Nueva Zelanda  Tema: Terremoto en Christchurch -Isla Sur- Nueva Zelanda  -   Oceanía  Foro: Oceanía Mensaje destacado

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Envío Asunto: Re: Terremoto en Christchurch -Isla Sur- Nueva Zelanda  Publicado:
Información importante para viajar entre Christchurch y Picton, o viceversa.
Puesto que la carretera principal que une Christchurch con el Norte está cortada, hay que dar un rodeo considerable y el trayecto dura ahora unas siete horas y media.
Os dejo lo que hoy ha puesto NZ Transport

Travel Information:

State Highway 1, from Blenheim to Christchurch, is closed. The highway was damaged by the earthquake on Monday 14 November 2016.

Visitors heading south to Christchurch from Picton or Blenheim need to travel on State Highway 6 and 63 to Murchison, and then along State Highway 65 to Springs Junction and through Lewis Pass (State Highway 7) to State Highway 1 at Waipara.

The trip from Picton to Christchurch will take about seven and a half hours. Everyone is asked to take extra care when travelling on this route and allow plenty of time for their trip.

There are petrol, café and toilet facilities at Murchison, Springs Junction and Culverden.

There is currently no road access to Kaikoura.
  Traditional Christmas Menu Ideas  Tema: Traditional Christmas Menu Ideas  -   The Independent Traveller (English)  Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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Envío Asunto: Traditional Christmas Menu Ideas  Publicado:
Traditional Christmas Menu Ideas

As you may know, one of the most festivals of the year is Christmas. It is an occasion for family members return to their families and have a great time with whom they love and not just for that, it’s also a time for people to enjoy great traditional meals together. Here are some traditional Christmas menu ideas for this chritmast that you may have for your Christmas party:

1. Turkey

With the simple and easy recipe, Roast Turkey is considered the famous food around the world and must have it at this time. It is the best dish with plenty of ingredients like salt, pepper, oil, bread, pork minced, mushrooms, carrots, onion with some other kinds of vegetables. We often put all of these ingredients in the turkey body then put it in the oven for roasting in a proper time until it’s completely cooked.

2. Yule log cake

Yule log- this original cake is from France. Its shape is special, looks like a tree trunk and many people believe that it will bring happiness and peace to them. It made from eggs, chocolate, sugar, cream, syrup etc. You can add more ingredients you like and it’s also very easy to make, you could also decorate it with flour, tree branch, and fresh strawberry with any shapes you want. For example, you can make it like a trunk tree with chocolate surrounds it.

3. Gingerbread

Gingerbread is a great cake and good for health in the winter time with plenty of ingredients consist of ginger, sugar, flour, salt, honey, egg… The shape is the variety with tree, heart, ribbon, a girl or a boy shapes. The recipe is really simple as well. Is it actually a lovely cake, right? I think you want to see them more before eat them and I’m sure that children will be really like them because of these lovely shapes.

Gingerbread - Traditional Christmas Menu Idea

4. Pudding Yorkshire cake

It is a famous traditional cake in England. The ingredients are super simple with only eggs, milk, and butter. However, it has a beautiful smell, attractive and often used for the dessert at Christmas time. You can use it with the main food, with jam or fresh cream like a dessert. This is considered the best dish with the shape looks like small bowls that everyone likes around the world.

5. Eggnog

It is a kind of cocktail made from egg yolk, milk, cream, and sugar. You can also mix these with wine like brandy, rum or whiskey, it is your choice. If you don’t put the wine into it, it will become a good meal for children and adults also with a beautiful smell. Eggnog often appears in England, Canada and America at this time.

Eggnog - Traditional Christmas Menu Idea

There are many foods you can choose for Christmas time. These are just some traditional foods that I think the best foods for your choice. They are typical foods and super easy, super simple to make with the simple ingredients as well. You should try this menu and enjoy it. I believe you will love it so much.

Have a great Christmas day!
  Condado Amish de Lancaster, Pennsylvania (USA)  Tema: Condado Amish de Lancaster, Pennsylvania (USA)  -   Nueva York y Noreste de USA  Foro: Nueva York y Noreste de USA

Mensajes: 922
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Envío Asunto: Re: Condado Amish de Lancaster, Pennsylvania (USA)  Publicado:

Pregunte por aqui y me dijeron que daba igual que fuera fin de semana para ver furtivamente a los Amish en su dia a dia. ¡¡ERROR!!.

El domingo es su dia de descanso, día de misa... asi que es mucho mas complicado verlos. No tienen iglesias, sino que cada domingo se reunen en una casa diferente y la misa puede durar tres horas... asi que a no ser que encontreis una casa con muchos carritos aparcados fuera (nosotros encontramos varias) y espereis un rato, no vais a ver a ninguno... No se les ve por las carreteras con tanta facilidad en domingo, y todos los restaurantes que hacen comida Amish y que estan regentados por ellos y no son los turisticos Plain&Fancy o Good&Plenty estan cerrados!!.

En fin, mucho mas recomendable ir cualquier otro dia de la semana que no sea domingo. Nosotros al final vimos a alguno mas porque los seguimos hacia sus zonas de vivienda cuando salían de la iglesia y nos metimos por las carreteras más escondidas siguiendolos, pero si no nada...
Leer más ...
  Australia por Libre: consejos para Viajar  Tema: Australia por Libre: consejos para Viajar  -   Oceanía  Foro: Oceanía

Mensajes: 22
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Envío Asunto: Re: Australia por Libre: consejos para Viajar  Publicado:
...(no hay versión en español), pero te podrás hacer una idea (aunque los nombres aborígenes tiene tela de la buena jajjajajajajaja)

Day one - Uluru
1. Visit Talinguru Nyakunytjaku for sunrise. Stay on and explore the Minymaku and Watiku walks
2. Mala Walk - drive to Mala car park for this free guided walk. Then if it isn't too hot see more and take the Uluru Base Walk (3.5 hours).
3. Head to the Cultural Centre for lunch and to learn more about Anangu culture and see Anangu art.
4. Relax and unwind. In summer or in hot weather, we recommend people stay in the shade or indoors in the afternoon. It’s a great idea to go back to the Cultural Centre or resort - perhaps use this time to unleash your creative spirit by taking a dot painting workshop - or simply enjoy swimming in one of the resort’s many pools.
5. Once it starts to cool head back to the park and take the Liru Walk which will take you between the Cultural Centre and the base of Uluru. (1.5 hours return).
5. Finish the day by driving to the Uluru Car Sunset Viewing in time to enjoy the sunset views.
Day two - Kata Tjuta
1. Head to the Kata Tjuta Dune Viewing area for sunrise. Arrive half an hour before the official sunrise time to make sure you get a good spot.
2. Experience the Walpa Gorge Walk (approx 1hr) before having
3. Morning tea picnic at the Kata Tjuta Sunset Viewing area.
4. See the amazing views in some of the Valley of the Winds Walks.
5. Relax and unwind. Head back to the Culture Centre or the resort to have a rest, a swim or join an activity.
6. In the afternoon head back out to the Kata Tjuta Sunset Viewing Area for sunset. Remember it takes almost an hour to drive to Kata Tjuta (so leave in plenty of time to catch the sunset!) and you will need to leave Kata Tjuta 45 minutes before the park closes for the night.

Si necesitas más información ya sabes.

Un saludo Muy feliz
Magnífica y amplia información. La estudiaré, y a ver en qué queda la cosa. Muchas gracias!!!
  Australia por Libre: consejos para Viajar  Tema: Australia por Libre: consejos para Viajar  -   Oceanía  Foro: Oceanía

Mensajes: 12
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Envío Asunto: Re: Australia por Libre: consejos para Viajar  Publicado:
...(no hay versión en español), pero te podrás hacer una idea (aunque los nombres aborígenes tiene tela de la buena jajjajajajajaja)

Day one - Uluru
1. Visit Talinguru Nyakunytjaku for sunrise. Stay on and explore the Minymaku and Watiku walks
2. Mala Walk - drive to Mala car park for this free guided walk. Then if it isn't too hot see more and take the Uluru Base Walk (3.5 hours).
3. Head to the Cultural Centre for lunch and to learn more about Anangu culture and see Anangu art.
4. Relax and unwind. In summer or in hot weather, we recommend people stay in the shade or indoors in the afternoon. It’s a great idea to go back to the Cultural Centre or resort - perhaps use this time to unleash your creative spirit by taking a dot painting workshop - or simply enjoy swimming in one of the resort’s many pools.
5. Once it starts to cool head back to the park and take the Liru Walk which will take you between the Cultural Centre and the base of Uluru. (1.5 hours return).
5. Finish the day by driving to the Uluru Car Sunset Viewing in time to enjoy the sunset views.
Day two - Kata Tjuta
1. Head to the Kata Tjuta Dune Viewing area for sunrise. Arrive half an hour before the official sunrise time to make sure you get a good spot.
2. Experience the Walpa Gorge Walk (approx 1hr) before having
3. Morning tea picnic at the Kata Tjuta Sunset Viewing area.
4. See the amazing views in some of the Valley of the Winds Walks.
5. Relax and unwind. Head back to the Culture Centre or the resort to have a rest, a swim or join an activity.
6. In the afternoon head back out to the Kata Tjuta Sunset Viewing Area for sunset. Remember it takes almost an hour to drive to Kata Tjuta (so leave in plenty of time to catch the sunset!) and you will need to leave Kata Tjuta 45 minutes before the park closes for the night.

Si necesitas más información ya sabes.

Un saludo Muy feliz
  Archivo 03/01/2018 - Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  Tema: Archivo 03/01/2018 - Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  -   Oceanía  Foro: Oceanía

Mensajes: 378
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Envío Asunto: Re: Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  Publicado:
...las Montañas Remarkables. Desde aquí podemos también visitar los fiordos Milford Sound o Doubtful Sound, en el Parque Nacional de los Fiordos.
Día 14 Aug Queenstown/Franz Josef o Fox Glacier (406 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: el Lago Wanaka, el puerto de montaña Haast, acceso a la costa oeste, con un paisaje inigualable y sus maravillas naturales.
Día 15 Aug Franz Josef o Fox Glacier/Hokitika o Greymouth (185 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: vuelo escénico con aterrizaje sobre los glaciares Fox y Franz Josef, y caminatas sobre el hielo.
Día 16 Aug Hokitika o Greymouth/ Nelson (297 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: P.N. de Paparoa, rocas Pancake, el Cabo Foulwind, y el Parque Nacional de los Lagos de Nelson.
Día 17 Aug Nelson
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: caminar por las playas de Totaranui, Medlands, Bark Bay, Torrent Bay y Anchorage en el Parque Nacional de Abel Tasman, o recorrer sus costas en kayak.
Día 18 Aug Nelson/Picton/Wellington (114 km)
Alojamiento. Devolución del coche en Picton y cruce del estrecho de Cook en el ferry interinslander. Llegada a Wellington y recogida de otro coche.
Día 19 Aug Wellington/Napier (325 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: Museo Te Papa, Museo Nacional sobre la Historia de Nueva Zelanda, Hawke's Bay y sus viñedos, el Cabo Kidnappers, y la Arquitectura Art Deco de Napier.
Día 20 Aug Napier/Rotorua (235 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: El Parque Nacional de Tongariro, el Lago Taupo, el mayor lago del país, y las Cascadas de Huka.
Día 21 Aug Rotorua
Alojamiento. Sede de la cultura maorí. Sugerimos: reservas termales de Te Puia, Waimangu, Wai-o-tapu, y el cercano Monte Tarawera.
Día 22 Aug Rotorua/Coromandel (250 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: Tauranga en la Bay of Plenty, tierra del kiwi, Mt Maunganui y el bello puerto de Tairua en la costa del Pacífico.
Día 23 Aug Coromandel/Auckland (180 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: Carretera de la Costa, Cascada Waiau y bosques de kauris.
Día 24 Aug Auckland
Devolución del coche de alquiler, y salida en vuelo de regreso a España. Noche a bordo.
Día 25 Aug España


No se si lo que has hecho es un copy/paste de alguna página de turismo/touroperador, pero desde luego el listado de sitios a visitar no es viable casi ningún día.
Algunas de las cosas que pone, por ejemplo milfrod Sound, requieren de un día completo (mínimo) como para poder verlo desde Queenstown. El tiempo invernal y los días cortos podrían acortar más las cosas que puedes llegar a hacer en cada sitio.

Sería recomendable que revisaras alguno de los diarios que hay, sobretodo los que incluyen viajes en Agosto, por que hay muchas cosas que deberías revisar
Incluso el propio recorrido, necesita de arreglos, por ejemplo si quieres ver Milford o todo el recorrido en la Isla Norte.

Un saludo
  Archivo 03/01/2018 - Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  Tema: Archivo 03/01/2018 - Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  -   Oceanía  Foro: Oceanía

Mensajes: 3
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Envío Asunto: Re: Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  Publicado:
Hola a todos:
¿Que os parece la siguiente propuesta para viajar a NZ en agosto (supongo que no es el mejor mes pero es lo que se puede? El recorrido lo hariamos en coche con alojamiento en hoteles.
¿Alguna sugerencia?

Día 08 Aug Bilbao/ Christchurch
Salida en vuelo con destino Christchurch, por la ruta elegida. Noche a bordo.
Día 09 Aug En vuelo
Día 10 Aug Christchurch
Llegada, asistencia y recogida del coche de alquiler. Alojamiento.
Día 11 Aug Christchurch/Dunedin (370 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: Espectacular vista de Caroline Bay, las curiosas rocas esféricas en la playa de Moeraki, y la Península de Otago donde anidan los albatros.
Día 12 Aug Dunedin/Queenstown (285 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: la región de Otago, con sus campos de frutales y viñedos, y la espectacular llegada a Queenstown por la Garganta del cristalino río Kawarau.
Día 13 Aug Queenstown
Alojamiento. A nuestro alcance, un sinfín de actividades: bungy jumping, paseos por el lago Wakatipu, lancha rápida por el río Shotover y vuelos escénicos sobre las Montañas Remarkables. Desde aquí podemos también visitar los fiordos Milford Sound o Doubtful Sound, en el Parque Nacional de los Fiordos.
Día 14 Aug Queenstown/Franz Josef o Fox Glacier (406 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: el Lago Wanaka, el puerto de montaña Haast, acceso a la costa oeste, con un paisaje inigualable y sus maravillas naturales.
Día 15 Aug Franz Josef o Fox Glacier/Hokitika o Greymouth (185 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: vuelo escénico con aterrizaje sobre los glaciares Fox y Franz Josef, y caminatas sobre el hielo.
Día 16 Aug Hokitika o Greymouth/ Nelson (297 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: P.N. de Paparoa, rocas Pancake, el Cabo Foulwind, y el Parque Nacional de los Lagos de Nelson.
Día 17 Aug Nelson
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: caminar por las playas de Totaranui, Medlands, Bark Bay, Torrent Bay y Anchorage en el Parque Nacional de Abel Tasman, o recorrer sus costas en kayak.
Día 18 Aug Nelson/Picton/Wellington (114 km)
Alojamiento. Devolución del coche en Picton y cruce del estrecho de Cook en el ferry interinslander. Llegada a Wellington y recogida de otro coche.
Día 19 Aug Wellington/Napier (325 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: Museo Te Papa, Museo Nacional sobre la Historia de Nueva Zelanda, Hawke's Bay y sus viñedos, el Cabo Kidnappers, y la Arquitectura Art Deco de Napier.
Día 20 Aug Napier/Rotorua (235 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: El Parque Nacional de Tongariro, el Lago Taupo, el mayor lago del país, y las Cascadas de Huka.
Día 21 Aug Rotorua
Alojamiento. Sede de la cultura maorí. Sugerimos: reservas termales de Te Puia, Waimangu, Wai-o-tapu, y el cercano Monte Tarawera.
Día 22 Aug Rotorua/Coromandel (250 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: Tauranga en la Bay of Plenty, tierra del kiwi, Mt Maunganui y el bello puerto de Tairua en la costa del Pacífico.
Día 23 Aug Coromandel/Auckland (180 km)
Alojamiento. Sugerimos: Carretera de la Costa, Cascada Waiau y bosques de kauris.
Día 24 Aug Auckland
Devolución del coche de alquiler, y salida en vuelo de regreso a España. Noche a bordo.
Día 25 Aug España
  Disney´s Photopass / Disney Memory Maker- ORLANDO  Tema: Disney´s Photopass / Disney Memory Maker- ORLANDO  -   Florida y Sudeste de USA  Foro: Florida y Sudeste de USA

Mensajes: 43858
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Sácado de wdwprepdchool

Is it worth it?

Cuando son recomendables ?I think Memory Maker is worth it for people who:

Have trips that are at least 5 days in length
Plan to ride most/all of the rides that offer ride photos
Will be eating at the locations that have PhotoPass photographers
Are willing to stop and get plenty of PhotoPass pics taken in the parks
Have special events such as Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique booked since lots of pics are taken there
Will be meeting lots of characters, since PhotoPass photographers take lots of pics of these encounters, including both candid and posed shots (if you hand your camera to the photographer to take pics, he/she will likely just take 1 or 2 posed pics, so you get many more when the PhotoPass photographers use their own cameras)
  Agencia ETT (Ethio Travel and Tours) Etiopia  Tema: Agencia ETT (Ethio Travel and Tours) Etiopia  -   África del Este  Foro: África del Este

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Envío Asunto: Re: Agencia ETT (Ethio Travel and Tours) Etiopia  Publicado:
si, de hecho en su pagina dicen que proporcionan todo el material

The price Includes
◾Transport latest model Toyota with Experienced English speaking driver throughout the Tour.
◾All Entrance fees and licenses as per the program.
◾Accommodation and all meals throughout the tour.
◾Non-Alcoholic Beverages with meals as per the program and plenty bottles of water for the trip.
◾Surface Transport expense with four wheel drive Land-cruiser including fuel expense and drivers allowance
◾Local guide service for the afar region as per the program.
◾Cooking, camping equipment,
◾Scout and police service in Afar Region as per the program.
◾Camel and camel tires in Afar Region as per the program.
◾Experienced cook throughout of the tour as per the program.
◾Minimum of 2 cars per trip with local security
  Excursiones o Visitas de interés cerca de Budapest  Tema: Excursiones o Visitas de interés cerca de Budapest  -   Europa del Este  Foro: Europa del Este

Mensajes: 1614
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Envío Asunto: Re: Excursiones o lugares de interes cerca de Budapest  Publicado:
Maximoto Escribió:
Estoy buscando los horarios de los trenes a Szentendre y no me aparece el nombre en el listado .... lo estoy mirando aquí

¿qué estoy haciendo mal?

Es probable que Szentendre sea solo nombre de la zona y no parada de tren, echa un vistazo a google maps estan las paradas de tren e intenta con alguna de esas, hay varias alrededor.
Edito ; encontre esto:

zentendre is a delightful village, one that it easy to visit from Budapest.
As it happened, we had our own car, so all we had to do was follow Motorway 11 to Szentendre.


A TRAIN departs approx. every 10 - 15mins from Batthyány Square in Budapest (M2 red metro line). Your there in approx. 40mins.We took the suburna railway (HEV 5) from Batthyany ter metro station in Budapest and 16 stops later we arrived in Szentendre (it’s the final stop).

BUSES are slightly quickly, usually only taking 30 minutes. Catch a bus from the Árpád Bridge coach station.

BOAT - Takes the longest time. Mahart, the Hungarain Shipping Company operates boat services between Budapest and Szentendre every day in the tourist season (30th April-30th Sept). See the timetable and ticket prices here. ...@496878888

PUSH BIKE - Those who are fit enough can hire a bike and ride the bicycle route that runs along Motorway 11.

No se mas porque al final yo nunca llegue a visitarlo.
  Keisei Bus Tokyo Shuttle: Autobús Aeropuerto Narita a Tokio  Tema: Keisei Bus Tokyo Shuttle: Autobús Aeropuerto Narita a Tokio  -   Japón y Corea  Foro: Japón y Corea

Mensajes: 2723
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Envío Asunto: Re: Aeropuertos Tokyo: información, transportes a la...  Publicado:
Y no te lo discuto. El autobús de la Keisei es muy conveniente, siempre que te cuadre el horario y obviamente que haya asientos.

De hecho te diré mas, hay una oferta reservando el billete con antelación que incluso sale mas barato ...section_02

Solo que veo que hay que pagar con tarjetas de crédito, y no os aseguro que acepten tarjetas extranjeras (lo he visto en mas de una ocasión)

La única pega que le puedes poner al autobús es que las plazas son mucho mas limitadas. Si te cuadra en transporte, y hay plazas para el próximo autobús estupendo, me parece una opción estupenda. Pero claro, un autobús guste o no, tiene una cantidad de plazas mucho menor que un tren. En la mísma página de Keisei Bus ya avisan de que las plazas con limitadas, y que (y cito)
Due to high traffic, there is a high chance of delay. Please make sure you have plenty of time allotted for travel. Please note that the operating company is not liable for any inconvenience or expense caused as a result of such a delay.

Vamos, que si el trafico es intenso te puedes retrasar.

Pero vamos, eso es de cajón. Según a que horas será as fácil que otras. Si llegas de madrugada y te coincide con la entrada masiva de coches en la ciudad "pues te ha tocado". Lo mismo el siguiente autobús ya no pilla ninguna.

Es decir, que a mi me parece una buena opción, pero estás a expensas de que haya billetes (porque a veces vuelan, es barato y rápido) y obviamente de que no pilles atasco. Si se cumplen esas condiciones estupendo.

De hecho mirando este tema, tengo una pregunta que supongo tendré que hacer a alguien que viva allí, ya que se que hay un tren de la linea Seibu Ikebukuro que al llegar a Ikebukuro no entra por los andenes al aire libre, sino que se convierte en subterráneo y desde ahi continua como metro de la línea Yurakucho, que como sabrás pasa al lado mismo de la estación de Tokyo (como a 200 metros mas o menos). Me pregunto si hay algún metro de esa línea que haga lo mismo en dirección contraria.

Casi que como que no me meto en semejante lio Mr. Green
  Comer en Las Vegas: Donde comer, restaurantes típicos...  Tema: Comer en Las Vegas: Donde comer, restaurantes típicos...  -   Costa Oeste de USA  Foro: Costa Oeste de USA Mensaje destacado

Mensajes: 1610
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Envío Asunto: Comer en Las Vegas por menos de 10 dólares comer barato  Publicado:
Igual a algun@ puede serviros....

You’re in Vegas. Maybe you lost a few dollars at the blackjack table or maybe you’re just saving your cash for bottle service at the club. In any case, you’re on a budget, but you still have to eat. Don’t worry – we might have a lot of high-end gourmet restaurants in town but there are also plenty of places where you can find a bargain meal.

Here are 10 places where you can eat a meal for under $10.

Earl of Sandwich at Planet Hollywood: This popular sandwich spot serves deli-style, made-to-order hot sandwiches on artisan bread. Sandwiches cost around $6.99 and come in varieties like The Full Montagu with roasted beef, turkey, Swiss, cheddar, lettuce, Roma tomato and mustard sauce. We like the Holiday Turkey with turkey, cornbread stuffing, turkey gravy, cranberry sauce and mayo. It’s Thanksgiving in a sandwich.

Ellis Island Café, 4178 Koval Ln.: Ellis Island Casino Hotel, located a few blocks off the Strip on Koval Lane, is a great place to go for bargain food at any time of day. For breakfast you can get a 10-ounce sirloin steak, two eggs, breakfast potatoes and toast for $9.99. That might be enough food to last you until dinner but if not, the café also has a variety of lunchtime sandwiches like a Philly French dip and burgers for under $10.

Grimaldi’s at Palazzo: New York institution Grimaldi’s serves, you guessed it, New York-style thin crust pizza cooked in a coal-fired brick oven. Fresh ingredients, including handmade mozzarella and “secret recipe” dough and sauce make these pizzas irresistible. You can get a 12-inch personal pizza for $9. Toppings are an additional cost.

Ping Pang Pong at the Gold Coast: This restaurant was named one of the Top 10 Chinese restaurants in America by Travel + Leisure magazine but it’s not super fancy – it’s totally affordable. You’ll find noodles, rice and vegetable dishes. Try the Singapore rice noodles (light curry-flavored rice vermicelli with shrimp, BBQ pork and onions) for $9.95. The Shanghai noodles – stir fried Napa cabbage, mushrooms, spinach and pork – are $7.95. The menu also includes Chinese favorites like orange beef or kung pao chicken for $9.95.

Le Thai, 523 Fremont St.: This downtown hot spot has some tasty and affordable lunch specials for $9.95. Choose from a variety of curry dishes, a couple of stir-fry dishes and spicy eggplant. The special also includes a drink. Lunch is available Monday – Saturday from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Shake Shack at New York – New York: Shake Shack has been a New York phenomenon for years and now the West Coast is finally finding out what all the hype is about. Shake Shack serves up Angus burgers made from hormone and antibiotic-free beef, all-beef hot dogs, frozen custard, shakes, beer and wine. Try the traditional – and delicious – Shack Burger with lettuce, tomato and Shack Sauce. A Shack Burger is $5.19 and fries are $2.95.

Eat, 707 Carson St.: Eat, from chef Natalie Young, serves fresh breakfast and lunch items. Start your day with cinnamon biscuits, steel cut oats or pancakes for under $10. For lunch, go for the Killer Grilled Cheese for $9. It’s aged cheddar on sourdough with “kick-ass” tomato soup. You also get house made chips or potato salad and a “really good pickle.”

Pink’s Hot Dogs at Planet Hollywood: Pink’s has been a staple in Los Angeles for more than 65 years and offers unique takes on hot dogs like a bacon burrito dog...
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  Volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya:  Tema: Volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya:  -   Viajes de Cooperacion y ONG  Foro: Viajes de Cooperacion y ONG

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Envío Asunto: Become a voluntourist in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya  Publicado:
The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking forward-thinking, dynamic individuals of all ages/backgrounds to contribute to our international centers as part of our Voluntourist program. IHF runs children’s homes in Nakuru, Kenya and Chiang Rai, Thailand, as well as education centers in Bali, Banda Aceh, Jakarta and Medan, Indonesia. As a Voluntourist, you would gain hands-on experience with an international not-for-profit NGO at the ground level and contribute your time and talents to substantially helping provide better opportunities for young students.

You will complete four hours of at-center work a day. These tasks vary from center to center, day to day. At our Indonesian education centers, you will teach English to young students for whom English is a tool to secure better jobs in the future. In our children’s homes in Thailand and Kenya, daily tasks will include assisting with homework and organizing projects and activities for the children. At all centers, you will provide the co-Directors with needs-based assistance in the daily maintenance of the centers, becoming a part of the IHF family and integral to the work we do.

This is an ideal opportunity to gain firsthand experience in international development, but still have time to explore a new place and culture. In Indonesia, our centers offer unique insights into Balinese Hinduism, the busy capital of Jakarta, or beautiful and wild Sumatra. Our Kenya center is close to numerous wildlife parks and safaris, while our Thailand center is in the vicinity of incredible temples, waterfalls and scenery. You will have plenty of time to visit these incredible settings, but work must remain a priority. By both volunteering and sightseeing, you will have a unique experience, and hopefully you will leave our center with a better understanding of your surroundings and IHF as an organization.

Candidate Qualifications: You must be fluent in written and spoken English. We value volunteers who­ are creative and innovative, willing to take responsibility and easily adapt to new conditions and unexpected situations. ­ Each IHF center is a product of its environment and follows the cultural code and norms of its host country. So must our staff and interns. Our volunteers must have high inter­-cultural sensitivity and be tolerant to different views and ways of life.

Voluntourists stay at least 2 weeks. We provide basic accommodation and food at our centers, where you will live with your co-workers. Unfortunately, as a nonprofit, we are unable to provide these amenities freely and we charge a minimal cost of $150 per week. We are not able to cover travel or insurance expenses or any other related costs, but we will help you with your travel and visa planning.

Please familiarize yourself further with our organization on our website and our blog Learn more by reading our annual report at ...23d230dd9b. We were given a 2013 Inspiring Story -- Responsible Tourism Award! Read more about it at ...tinations/. See our great ratings at ...ndation-1/.

If you have any questions at this time, feel free to e-mail one of our helpful volunteers at If you’re ready to apply, send your CV to
  Volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya:  Tema: Volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya:  -   Viajes de Cooperacion y ONG  Foro: Viajes de Cooperacion y ONG

Mensajes: 15
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Envío Asunto: Voluntourist opportunity in Kenya  Publicado:
The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking forward-thinking, dynamic individuals of all ages/backgrounds to contribute to our children’s home in Nakuru, Kenya as part of our Voluntourist program. As a Voluntourist, you would gain hands-on experience with an international not-for-profit NGO at the ground level and contribute your time and talents to substantially helping provide better opportunities for young students.

You will complete four hours of at-center work a day. These tasks vary from day to day. In our children’s home in Kenya, daily tasks will include assisting with homework and organizing projects and activities for the children. You will also provide the co-Directors with needs-based assistance in the daily maintenance of the center, becoming a part of the IHF family and integral to the work we do.

This is an ideal opportunity to gain firsthand experience in international development, but still have time to explore a new place and culture. Our Kenya center is close to numerous wildlife parks and safaris. You will have plenty of time to visit these incredible settings, but work must remain a priority. By both volunteering and sightseeing, you will have a unique experience, and hopefully you will leave our center with a better understanding of your surroundings and IHF as an organization.

Candidate Qualifications: You must be fluent in written and spoken English. We value volunteers who­ are creative and innovative, willing to take responsibility and easily adapt to new conditions and unexpected situations. ­ Each IHF center is a product of its environment and follows the cultural code and norms of its host country. So must our staff. Our volunteers must have high inter­cultural sensitivity and be tolerant to different views and ways of life.

Voluntourists stay at least 2 weeks. We provide basic accommodation and food at our centers, where you will live with your co-workers. Unfortunately, as a nonprofit, we are unable to provide these amenities freely and we charge a minimal cost of $150 per week. We are not able to cover travel or insurance expenses or any other related costs, but we will help you with your travel and visa planning.

Please familiarize yourself further with our organization on our website and our blog

Learn more by reading our annual report at: ...TEST/TEST/.
We were given a 2013 Inspiring Story -- Responsible Tourism Award! Read more about it at: ...tinations/.

See our great ratings at: ...ndation-1/.

If you have any questions at this time, feel free to e-mail one of our helpful volunteers at If you’re ready to apply, send your CV to
  Volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya:  Tema: Volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya:  -   Viajes de Cooperacion y ONG  Foro: Viajes de Cooperacion y ONG

Mensajes: 15
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Envío Asunto: Voluntourist needed to teach children in Thailand  Publicado:
The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking forward-thinking, dynamic individuals of all ages/backgrounds to contribute to our children’s home in Chiang Rai, Thailand as part of our Voluntourist program. As a Voluntourist, you would gain hands-on experience with an international not-for-profit NGO at the ground level and contribute your time and talents to substantially helping provide better opportunities for young students.

You will complete four hours of at-center work a day. These tasks vary from day to day. In our children’s home in Thailand, daily tasks will include assisting with homework and organizing projects and activities for the children. You will also provide the co-Directors with needs-based assistance in the daily maintenance of the center, becoming a part of the IHF family and integral to the work we do.

This is an ideal opportunity to gain firsthand experience in international development, but still have time to explore a new place and culture. Our Thailand center is in the vicinity of incredible temples, waterfalls and scenery. You will have plenty of time to visit these incredible settings, but work must remain a priority. By both volunteering and sightseeing, you will have a unique experience, and hopefully you will leave our center with a better understanding of your surroundings and IHF as an organization.

Candidate Qualifications: You must be fluent in written and spoken English. We value volunteers who­ are creative and innovative, willing to take responsibility and easily adapt to new conditions and unexpected situations. ­ Each IHF center is a product of its environment and follows the cultural code and norms of its host country. So must our staff. Our volunteers must have high inter­cultural sensitivity and be tolerant to different views and ways of life.

Voluntourists stay at least 2 weeks. We provide basic accommodation and food at our centers, where you will live with your co-workers. Unfortunately, as a nonprofit, we are unable to provide these amenities freely and we charge a minimal cost of $150 per week. We are not able to cover travel or insurance expenses or any other related costs, but we will help you with your travel and visa planning.

Please familiarize yourself further with our organization on our website and our blog

Learn more by reading our annual report at: ...TEST/TEST/.
We were given a 2013 Inspiring Story -- Responsible Tourism Award! Read more about it at: ...tinations/.

See our great ratings at: ...ndation-1/.

If you have any questions at this time, feel free to e-mail one of our helpful volunteers at If you’re ready to apply, send your CV to
  Volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya:  Tema: Volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya:  -   Viajes de Cooperacion y ONG  Foro: Viajes de Cooperacion y ONG

Mensajes: 15
Votos: 0 👍
Envío Asunto: Voluntourist needed to help children in Indonesia  Publicado:
The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking forward-thinking, dynamic individuals of all ages/backgrounds to contribute to our international centers as part of our Voluntourist program. IHF runs education centers in Bali, Banda Aceh, Jakarta, and Medan, Indonesia. As a Voluntourist, you would gain hands-on experience with an international not-for-profit NGO at the ground level and contribute your time and talents to substantially helping provide better opportunities for young students.

You will complete four hours of at-center work a day. These tasks vary from center to center, day to day. At our Indonesian education centers, you will teach English to young students for whom English is a tool to secure better jobs in the future. At all centers, you will provide the co-Directors with needs-based assistance in the daily maintenance of the centers, becoming a part of the IHF family and integral to the work we do.

This is an ideal opportunity to gain firsthand experience in international development, but still have time to explore a new place and culture. In Indonesia, our centers offer unique insights into Balinese Hinduism, the busy capital of Jakarta, or beautiful and wild Sumatra. You will have plenty of time to visit these incredible settings, but work must remain a priority. By both volunteering and sightseeing, you will have a unique experience, and hopefully you will leave our center with a better understanding of your surroundings and IHF as an organization.

Candidate Qualifications: You must be fluent in written and spoken English. We value volunteers who­ are creative and innovative, willing to take responsibility and easily adapt to new conditions and unexpected situations. ­ Each IHF center is a product of its environment and follows the cultural code and norms of its host country. So must our staff. Our volunteers must have high inter­cultural sensitivity and be tolerant to different views and ways of life.

Voluntourists stay at least 2 weeks. We provide basic accommodation and food at our centers, where you will live with your co-workers. Unfortunately, as a nonprofit, we are unable to provide these amenities freely and we charge a minimal cost of $150 per week. We are not able to cover travel or insurance expenses or any other related costs, but we will help you with your travel and visa planning.

Please familiarize yourself further with our organization on our website and our blog

Learn more by reading our annual report at: ...TEST/TEST/.

We were given a 2013 Inspiring Story -- Responsible Tourism Award! Read more about it at: ...tinations/.

See our great ratings at: ...ndation-1/.

If you have any questions at this time, feel free to e-mail one of our helpful volunteers at If you’re ready to apply, send your CV to
  Archivo 03/01/2018 - Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  Tema: Archivo 03/01/2018 - Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  -   Oceanía  Foro: Oceanía

Mensajes: 378
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Envío Asunto: Re: Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  Publicado:
MichelP Escribió:
Se que es precipitado pero estaré 10 días en NZ.. Necesito consejo para decidir si isla Norte o Sur porque ambas lo veo divicil. Gracias


Efectivamente, las dos imposible, verías poquitas cosas y estarías demasiado tiempo en carretera.
Con 10 días yo te diría que igual mejor la Norte. La sur puede que sea más agreste, pero 15 días le irían mejor para cuadrar fechas.

Unos días en Northland (Bay of Islands), Coromandel, zona Rotorua-Taupo, Waitomo, Tongariro, Auckland y Wellington... podrías ver prácticamente toda la isla Norte y tal vez alguna zona no tan conocida o que suele quedar más a desmano como Raglan, Napier, las Islas del golfo de Hauraki y White Island, Taranaki, Bay of Plenty...

Todo depende de que es lo que más te llame la atención.

Un saludo
  Volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya:  Tema: Volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya:  -   Viajes de Cooperacion y ONG  Foro: Viajes de Cooperacion y ONG

Mensajes: 15
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Envío Asunto: Work-Study Volunteer opportunity in Thailand  Publicado:
Volunteer Work-Study Opportunity in Thailand

The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking forward-thinking, dynamic individuals of all ages/backgrounds to contribute to our children’s home in Chiang Rai, Thailand as part of our Voluntourist program. As a Voluntourist, you would gain hands-on experience with an international not-for-profit NGO at the ground level and contribute your time and talents to substantially helping provide better opportunities for young students.

You will complete four hours of at-center work a day. These tasks vary from day to day. In our children’s home in Thailand, daily tasks will include assisting with homework and organizing projects and activities for the children. You will also provide the co-Directors with needs-based assistance in the daily maintenance of the center, becoming a part of the IHF family and integral to the work we do.

This is an ideal opportunity to gain firsthand experience in international development, but still have time to explore a new place and culture. Our Thailand center is in the vicinity of incredible temples, waterfalls and scenery. You will have plenty of time to visit these incredible settings, but work must remain a priority. By both volunteering and sightseeing, you will have a unique experience, and hopefully you will leave our center with a better understanding of your surroundings and IHF as an organization.

Candidate Qualifications: You must be fluent in written and spoken English. We value volunteers who­ are creative and innovative, willing to take responsibility and easily adapt to new conditions and unexpected situations. ­ Each IHF center is a product of its environment and follows the cultural code and norms of its host country. So must our staff. Our volunteers must have high inter­cultural sensitivity and be tolerant to different views and ways of life.

Voluntourists stay at least 2 weeks. We provide basic accommodation and food at our centers, where you will live with your co-workers. Unfortunately, as a nonprofit, we are unable to provide these amenities freely and we charge a minimal cost of $150 per week. We are not able to cover travel or insurance expenses or any other related costs, but we will help you with your travel and visa planning.

Please familiarize yourself further with our organization on our website and our blog

Learn more by reading our annual report at: ...TEST/TEST/.
We were given a 2013 Inspiring Story -- Responsible Tourism Award! Read more about it at: ...tinations/.

See our great ratings at: ...ndation-1/.

If you have any questions at this time, feel free to e-mail one of our helpful volunteers at If you’re ready to apply, send your CV to
  Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  Tema: Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  -   Oceanía  Foro: Oceanía Mensaje destacado

Mensajes: 378
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Envío Asunto: Re: Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  Publicado:
Volviendo al tema del itinerario:

ISLA NORTE(5,5 dias)
26 Mayo. Melbour-Aukland 08.10 - 13.45 (dia 26 de Mayo) Llegada y recogida AC y visita a Auckland:paseo, Mount Eden, Albert Park, ¿Te Papa Museum?=>Devonport[20min]. Por la noche Sky Tower+Cena. ¿Hotel?

Te Papa museum es el de Wellington, si vas a ir al Te Papa, te puedes ahorrar el de Auckland, ya que ambos tienen prácticamente lo mismo. De todas formas el paseito por Albert Park y pasar por el Invernadero merece la pena.

27 Mayo. Auckland-Paiha(haruru falls)-Rusell [3h+45min] (de paso Wangarei)
Russell-kerikeri[1h]: Rainbow Falls
Kerikeri-Waipoua Forest [1h 30min] visitas a los famosos árboles y Dormir por aquí: Trounson Kauri Park Camping Ground o Baylys Beach Holiday Park

28 Mayo. Waipoua-Coromandel-Hahei [5h] ver catedral cove y hot water beach
29 Mayo. Coromandel-Waitomo[3h 25min]
Waitomo-Matamata-Hobbitton [1h10min] Ver Hobbits
Hobbitton-Rotorua [1h] ciudad y lago. ¿polinesian spa?.Cena-Espectaculo maorí => ¿Alguna oferta para esto o sitio recomendado? Tenía en mente tepuia…pero dicen que Mitai es mejor :s

extra--Bay of Plenty??? – Te Puke- White island??? (1h desde Rotorua)(si hay tiempo)

30 Mayo. Ver Hells Gate? Gratis?=>si hay tiempo
Antes de llegar waiotapu: Kerosene creek(jacuzzi natural)

Mejor que te olvides del Kerosene Creek. No pierdas el tiempo que vas muy apretado.
Encontrarás un camino lleno de baches y al lado un arroyo embarrado y humeante, que te quita las ganas de bañarte. (Cuando yo fui)
Rotorua-Wai-o-tapu [20 min] visita
Con 20 minutos no verás nada

Cierto, y si quieres ver el Lady Knox, deberías ir a primera hora. En Wai-oTapu te puedes pasar 2h sin problemas

Wai-o-Tapu- Taupo[40 min] ver lago, Huka Falls, paseo y camino hacia Tongariro
Y aquí lo mismo, estarás un par de horas disfrutando del sitio, al menos.
Taupo- Whakapapa Village [1h15min] Dormir por allí
extra—bahía de Hawke(Hastings) Tus extras son... como decirlo... muy optimistas Ojos que se mueven

31 Mayo. Tongariro Alpine Crossing (7-8h trecking)
*Si falla TAC=> Whakapapa Village => (track 2h) Taranaki falls, Silic Rapids o Tama lakes
Whakapapa Village –Wellington[4h] : Scenic Route, funicular, Te Papa Museum(14$), frikadas hobbit, por la noche: Otari Bush in Wilton=> glow worms
Ferry a Picton => a primera hora del día siguiente

ISLA SUR(11,5 dias)

1 Junio.Wellington: Ver alguna cosilla mas
Ferry Wellington-Picton: 10:30[3h]
Picton-Havelock[45min]: Mejillones labios verdes?
Nelson-Rabbit Island [30min]: ver rabbit island
Rabbit Island-Mapua=> Jester House Café
Mapua - Abel Tasman(motueka)[15min]
No llegas a Abel Tasman hasta las 10 de la noche...

Rabbit Island no tiene gran cosa, yo fui en bici y bueno, tiene bosque y tal y una playa con mucho viento, pero te lo podrías ahorrar. Yo aprovecharía mejor para dejar todo tranquilamente en Motueka y acercarte a Kaiteriteri para ver la playa y el par de calas que tiene. Al lado está también Split Apple Rock y si lo veis también os ahorráis ir hasta ella en Kayak que queda fuera de Abel T. Por cierto, en Kaiteriteri hay un camping a pie de playa.

2 Junio. Abel Tasmantreck y kayac (9:30-16:10) (8.30-16.00)
Abel Tasman- Punakaiki =>Pancake Rocks[3h15min] => contando que a las 17:10 se pone el sol.. no se si es muy factible...

-si no da tiempo dormir lo mas cerca posible de...
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  Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  Tema: Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  -   Oceanía  Foro: Oceanía Mensaje destacado

Mensajes: 2001
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Envío Asunto: Re: Nueva Zelanda: Itinerario ambas islas  Publicado:
Hola de nuevo... ya tengo el itinerario completo... un poco caótico...
Cuento que es final de otoño en NZ, casi empezando invierno, por lo que seguramente algunas cosas no las podre hacer...(espero que pocas Malvado o muy loco )
Las horas de luz segun he mirado seran entre 9:30 y 10 (amanece a las 7:20AM y anochece a las 5:10PM aprox.) Intentaré aprovecharlas TODAS. 8)
Creo que tengo dias muy vacios y otros muy llenos... ¿Como lo veis vosotros? Ojos que se mueven

Salimos de Barcelona y después de 2 dias llegamos:
ISLA NORTE(5,5 dias)
26 Mayo. Melbour-Aukland 08.10 - 13.45 (dia 26 de Mayo) Llegada y recogida AC y visita a Auckland:paseo, Mount Eden, Albert Park, ¿Te Papa Museum?=>Devonport[20min]. Por la noche Sky Tower+Cena. ¿Hotel?

27 Mayo. Auckland-Paiha(haruru falls)-Rusell [3h+45min] (de paso Wangarei)
Russell-kerikeri[1h]: Rainbow Falls
Kerikeri-Waipoua Forest [1h 30min] visitas a los famosos árboles y Dormir por aquí: Trounson Kauri Park Camping Ground o Baylys Beach Holiday Park

28 Mayo. Waipoua-Coromandel-Hahei [5h] ver catedral cove y hot water beach
29 Mayo. Coromandel-Waitomo[3h 25min]
Waitomo-Matamata-Hobbitton [1h10min] Ver Hobbits
Hobbitton-Rotorua [1h] ciudad y lago. ¿polinesian spa?.Cena-Espectaculo maorí => ¿Alguna oferta para esto o sitio recomendado? Tenía en mente tepuia…pero dicen que Mitai es mejor :s

extra--Bay of Plenty??? – Te Puke- White island??? (1h desde Rotorua)(si hay tiempo)

30 Mayo. Ver Hells Gate? Gratis?=>si hay tiempo
Antes de llegar waiotapu: Kerosene creek(jacuzzi natural)

Mejor que te olvides del Kerosene Creek. No pierdas el tiempo que vas muy apretado.
Encontrarás un camino lleno de baches y al lado un arroyo embarrado y humeante, que te quita las ganas de bañarte. (Cuando yo fui)

Rotorua-Wai-o-tapu [20 min] visita
Con 20 minutos no verás nada
Wai-o-Tapu- Taupo[40 min] ver lago, Huka Falls, paseo y camino hacia Tongariro
Y aquí lo mismo, estarás un par de horas disfrutando del sitio, al menos.
Taupo- Whakapapa Village [1h15min] Dormir por allí
extra—bahía de Hawke(Hastings)

31 Mayo. Tongariro Alpine Crossing (7-8h trecking)
*Si falla TAC=> Whakapapa Village => (track 2h) Taranaki falls, Silic Rapids o Tama lakes
Whakapapa Village –Wellington[4h] : Scenic Route, funicular, Te Papa Museum(14$), frikadas hobbit, por la noche: Otari Bush in Wilton=> glow worms
Ferry a Picton => a primera hora del día siguiente

ISLA SUR(11,5 dias)

1 Junio.Wellington: Ver alguna cosilla mas
Ferry Wellington-Picton: 10:30[3h]
Picton-Havelock[45min]: Mejillones labios verdes?
Nelson-Rabbit Island [30min]: ver rabbit island
Rabbit Island-Mapua=> Jester House Café
Mapua - Abel Tasman(motueka)[15min]
No llegas a Abel Tasman hasta las 10 de la noche...
2 Junio. Abel Tasmantreck y kayac (9:30-16:10) (8.30-16.00)
Abel Tasman- Punakaiki =>Pancake Rocks[3h15min] => contando que a las 17:10 se pone el sol.. no se si es muy factible...

-si no da tiempo dormir lo mas cerca posible de Pancake Rocks

Busca un calendario de mareas, para ver las Pankeke con marea alta

3 Junio. Punakaiki =>Pancake Rocks (blowholes, cueva de gusiluz?)
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