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Diarios-Blogs Top weirdest food in Vietnam ✈️ Foro The Independent Traveller (English) ✈️ p16 ✈️

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New Traveller
New Traveller
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Ubicación: Hanoi, Vietnam

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EnlacesAsunto: Top weirdest food in Vietnam

You may know Vietnam for its tasty and easy-to-eat dishes like Pho, Banh mi, Bun Cha,... Do you know that this country has many weird food in Vietnam which can strike terror into your heart.

1 - Mam tom (fermented shrimp paste)
Top-notch on the list of the weirdest food in Vietnam that almost all travelers are scared to try. As a condiment for dipping like fish sauce, this pasty mixture made by fermenting raw shrimps with salt gives out a much stronger odor. It is said to be similar to the smell of rotten foods or dead mouse bodies. The stink will continue to stick to the breath, hair and clothes of the eater for so long after eating. This is also the very reason why shrimp paste becomes an sworn enemy of a remarkable number of people. However, to those who are in love with it, “mam tom” is an indispensable part of dishes such as dog meat, cold rice vermicelli with tofu and shrimp paste, snail vermicelli soup, crab paste vermicelli soup,...

2 - Thit chuot (Rat meat)
In Vietnam, rat meat is not served as a daily and popular food like pork, beef or chicken. However, in some areas like Tu Son city (Bac Ninh province), Hoai Duc district, Thach That district (Hanoi), it is a special dish that always appears on the worship tray or in big or small parties of the local people. Rat meat receives a lot of preference from consumers, of which evidence is its good sales. You may wonder if they aren’t afraid of catching bubonic plague. Actually yes, they are, yet the reason they still take it is that it is rice-field rat, not sewer one, hence the possibility that it has pathogens is modest.

3 - Thang co (Horse meat & offal hot pot)
“Thang co” is a dish that is attached to the Northwest of Vietnam. The dish is cooked by making the best use of the horse's body. Everything, even the colon is put into a pot and simmered with typical spices for hours. The recipe and the unpleasant smell makes almost all visitors even the boldest men concerned with hygiene. In fact, all the ingredients must go through a careful preliminary process before being served, thus there is no need to worry.

4 - Nam pia
At the end of the list of top weirdest food in Vietnam is Nam Pia. “Nam pia”- a special dish of the mountainous northwestern Vietnam is a real challenge to anyone. The meaning of its name has revealed the horror elements: “nam pia '' in the Vietnamese ethic language means “young feces soup”. What is more disgusting than food made from...crap? But, what is called “young feces' ' is in fact, the fluid in the small intestine of the cattle (in this case it is herbivore such as cow, goat, buffalo,...). The local people suppose it is the finest, most quintessential part of the animal since it is the food digested and about to absorb into blood veins to create energy for the body. Therefore, this dish is really nutritious. One more surprising thing ís that it has never caused a stomach ache to anyone.

(Edited by moderation )
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@Vietnamtrips I have moved your recent message to the correct place of the forum.

This is the only place where you can promote your blog.

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