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Opiniones Buenos Aires 2024 ⚠️ Foro de The Independent Traveller (English) ✈️

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Bad experience with Big FIVE SAFARIS - Tanzania Tema: Bad experience with Big FIVE SAFARIS - Tanzania - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: Bad experience with Big FIVE SAFARIS - Tanzania

We are a group of 6 friends. We hired a 7-day package with a safari company (*BIG FIVE SAFARIS*) from Spain, advised by the staff of the Arusha BackPapers Hostel (dirty hostel, dirty sheets... I thought I would sleep standing up)
We closed a fixed price with the commercial (we have a record of everything on WhatsApp) and our surprise was that the commercial received us in Arusha and when we went to pay him, he wanted us to give him everything in advance and asked us for 200 euros more than what was agreed per person + 10 euros per person and day tip per driver, another 10 p guide and another 10 p cook.
We refuse, and the boss comes. After many discussions we agreed on 100 euros more per person with tips included.
1. They change our SUV, they put us in an old one, the windows don't close, no air conditioning, the refrigerator doesn't work.
2.Broken tents (one was flooded one night when it rained and we had to reorganize in the remaining two) Dirty and torn bags and a thin and dirty mattress. (THE SALESMAN HAD SENT US PHOTOS OF STORES WITH HIGH INFLATABLE MATTRESSES, WITH SHEETS...)
3. They ration our food. For example, only 1 slice of bread per day for breakfast. They didn't give us napkins, we ran out of powdered milk and we had to ask those in another group because they didn't give us more.
4. On the 4th day the tent erectors did not come and they forced us to help set them up.
5. We asked for another mattress to make it softer and we didn't get it.
6. On the last day, we had agreed on three things to visit and on the third, the boss (Always on the phone through the guide, he did not show his face at any time) said that they would not take us, that we should go on our own.
7. The boss did not give them the agreed tip and we decided to give it to them, after all, the driver, the guide and the cook were errands who did their job well. They were not to blame for everything that was happening to us.


I am trying to report the situation we have experienced, from Spain, I don't know if anyone could help me.

Makeindiatours - Local Agency India Tema: Makeindiatours - Local Agency India - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: Re: Makeindiatours - Local Agency India

En agosto de 2017 tres amigos españoles hicimos un tour de 10 días por Rajastán con los servicios de "Make India Tours".
La experiencia fue muy positiva. La empresa nos sugirió una ruta adaptada a nuestra estancia, proporcionando vehículo con conductor y guías en los principales destinos.

EMPRESA: el dueño habla español, fue muy amable y se le veía muy interesado en saber en todo momento nuestra opinión sobre su servicio. Los vehículos eran buenos y con buena climatización. Tenía bonitos detalles como proporcionarnos todo el agua que necesitáramos. Los guías locales normalmente hablaban español y eran competentes.

CONDUCTOR (Ravi Banna): buena persona y eficiente conductor (muy hábil y rápido al volante, lo cual se agradece cuando tienes que desplazarte por la India), amable y muy interesado en agradar. No habla español pero su inglés es bastante fluido (aunque a veces nos costaba un poco entenderlo). Si lo necesitabas, te ofrecía sus contactos en cada ciudad ya fuera para cambiar dinero, alojamiento o restaurantes (aunque si estás dispuesto a caminar un rato o a buscar por internet a veces es posible encontrar mejores opciones). Nos instaba a que dejáramos por escrito nuestra opinión sobre sus servicios y los de su empresa.

En resumen, recomendamos sin duda esta empresa para viajar por la India.


In August 2017 three Spanish friends made a 10-day tour of Rajasthan with the services of "Make India Tours".
The experience was very positive. The company suggested a route adapted to our stay, providing a vehicle with driver and guides in the main destinations.

COMPANY: the owner speaks Spanish, he was very friendly, always available and very interested in knowing our feedback about his service. His vehicles are good and well air-conditioned. They had nice gestures such as providing all the cold water we needed. Regarding the local guides, they usually spoke Spanish and were fairly competent.

DRIVER (Ravi): good guy and efficient driver: very skillful and fast (quite appreciated for us in a country like India), very kind and always interested in pleasing (he even invited to have a tea at his home). He can't speak Spanish but his English is quite fluent (although sometimes it was a bit difficult to understand). If you needed it, he kindly offered his contacts in each city (i.e for changing money, accommodation or restaurants), although if you are willing to walk for a while or search the internet sometimes you might find better options. He often encouraged us to post a comment about him and his company's services.

To sum up, we definitely recommend this company to travel through India!

Rent-a-car en Turkey Tema: Rent-a-car en Turkey - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: Turkey Travel Tips

Once you cross the Greek Mainland you should come across Turkey, which can be one of the ancient countries of the world. Here you will find western capitalism combined with eastern mysticism. Turkey truly defines and reinforces its tradition as well as culture, making it one of the very exotic places on the planet. The old ruins in the provinces, hot air ballooning, beach resorts and metropolitan lifestyle, you will find everything in Turkey.

If you are buying a tourist destination that gives you a lot of fun and excitement, then Turkey is the right destination for you. You will find lots of places of tourist interest in this country. If you are one of those who appreciate natural wonders or love to explore the outdoors then Turkey offers you a lot of such opportunities. For history lovers, you will find Ephesus Tours where you are able to explore the rich history of the country.

If you should be planing to see the maximum city in Turkey, do a benefit to yourself and rent a car in Antalya. A car Antalya save your time and you are able to travel more place in a day. When you can rent a car then you are able to do these following activities easily in Antalya Airport.

BUENOS AIRES TOUR. City and Tango by LIZ TOUR GUIDE Tema: BUENOS AIRES TOUR. City and Tango by LIZ TOUR GUIDE - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: BUENOS AIRES TOUR. City and Tango by LIZ TOUR GUIDE

Private Tours for 1 to 7 people around the city of Buenos Aires for 1 day to more according to your availability. City Tour. Tango Nights. Wine Tasting. Gaucho Time. Polo Day. Tigre Delta Day. Colonia Uruguay for the day.

Visity my website to see more info and profile:

Mistral Villas Les Tres Cales Costa Dorada - Crooks Tema: Mistral Villas Les Tres Cales Costa Dorada - Crooks - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: Mistral Villas Les Tres Cales Costa Dorada - Crooks


I wanted to warn possible travellers to Ametlla de Mar/Les Tres Cales en Costa Dorada to avoid at all cost They are a bunch of crooks that will come up with unbelievable claims to steal your deposit money.
They advertised the property as "Very High Standard" but when we arrived we found a really decrepit property, with lights broken, tiny old towels, terrible beds and bed linen, a murky pool, squeaky doors, Air Con in only 2 of the 6 bedrooms (they claim all bedrooms have AC, but 4 just have noisy fans trying to bring some air from the livingroom), massively underequiped kitchen (no frying pans, no tray in microwave, no tray in oven, malfunctioning oven & fridge.

We arrived on Sat evening and complained to get some basics fixed and the property manager hang up the phone and said she was not working until Monday - call back then!!!

The worst has been afterleaving the property the owner is keeping part of the deposit claiming costs of sending someone to clean the pool, oil the squeaky doors, fix a curtain rail that was broken before we got there, and some other similarly crazy things!!

Pass on the message to friends travelling to Ametlla de Mar/Les Tres Cales

Intoxicating Lang Biang Mountain beckons visitors to enjoy Tema: Intoxicating Lang Biang Mountain beckons visitors to enjoy - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: Intoxicating Lang Biang Mountain beckons visitors to enjoy

The Central Highlands' city of Da Lat is one of my favourite holiday destinations in Viet Nam of Vietnam Tours. I have visited the city many times, yet every time I do so I'm always enchanted by the beauty of the landscape, the brilliance of the flowers that adorn the parks and hills and houses, and the crisp clear air that never fails to intoxicate.
First discovered by Swiss-French bacteriologist Alexandre John Emile Yersin in 1893, the city and its environs soon became the playground of the French who built villas in the clear mountain air to escape the heat and humidity of the coast and Sai Gon, now known as HCM City.
Da Lat looks like a cross between Viet Nam and the French Alps. The city spreads across a series of pine-covered hills, with a small lake in the centre and a manmade lake on the periphery. It is quite unlike the rest of Viet Nam. Temperatures are pleasantly warm by day, and quite cool at night, when it drops to about 100 C.
On this trip to Da Lat I chose to visit Lang Biang Plateau, and the village of local ethnic groups who live at the foot of the mountain range.
Taking the advice of a local taxi driver, I awoke early in order to reach Lang Biang Tourism Site and reach the summit by 7am when the morning fog wreaths the mountain before it disperses in the warmth of the day.
Evergreen pines trees, occupying some 971ha, cover the three mounts of Chu Yen Du (known locally as Mr Nhut Mount), Lang Biang (Lam Vien) and Bi Doup (or Ba Mount). All three mounts are over 2,000m high, the latter being the tallest at 2,287m above sea level.
Mai Ngoc Lam, who works at Lang Biang Tourism Site, which is 12km north of Da Lat centre, said that the more adventurous tourist can trek up the tree-lined tracks to get to the summit, while the less fit can take a jeep. He said trekking added to the experience because one could admire the natural environment close up.
"You will see a number of different species of pine tree, some very rare, with a trunk diameter of up to 4m and reaching a height of 20m," he said.
"You will also see wild orchids. There are about 300 species here," he added.
"If you are lucky, you might also see rare birds as well as a number of wild animals."
Feeling slightly guilty, I took a jeep to the summit, doubtful my lungs could cope with the climb. The journey by jeep is along a 6km road that zigzags through the forest to the summit.
The air was wonderfully fresh and perfumed with the scent of pine and wild plants. Streams cascaded down rock outcrops and birdsong permeated the air, which grew noticeable thinner as we climbed higher up the mountain.
When we reached the peak (where there is a coffee shop for the weary and a souvenir shop for tourists) I climbed out the jeep and followed the faint sound of distant voices to a flat viewing area.
On the peak, I was lost in reverie, aware only of the mist-clad scenery, the sky, the clouds, the wonderfully fresh air, which seemed to have a smell and taste that was quite alien to me. A few minutes later, a warm ray of sunlight pierced the clouds and the mist began to clear, revealing the magnificent scenery before me in all its glory. I could not help yelling with joy as the landscape unfolded before me. A yellow river, known as Suoi Vang (Golden Stream...
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Transcendental, tranquil Ninh Van Bay Tema: Transcendental, tranquil Ninh Van Bay - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: Transcendental, tranquil Ninh Van Bay

As one looks upon the virgin beauty of Ninh Van Bay it is hard to imagine it was once the site of fierce fighting during the American War. Le Ha reports.
My friends and I travelled to Ninh Van Bay on a glorious day. The morning was just dawning, the sunlight starting to wander on the sea. With the clouds drifting and bobbing. I was sitting on the car taking in the seascape before my eyes. The way to the bay is like the dress of a pretty girl who is lying on the sand and wallowing in the beauty of the sea. I was really eager to explore the bay, one of the most beautiful areas of Khanh Hoa Province.
Ninh Van Bay is located on Ninh Hoa District's Hon Heo Peninsula. It is about 60km from Nha Trang City, and it took us about 20 minutes to reach the bay by boat. The bay is famous for its natural beauty, with fabulous coral reefs, white sand beaches and an impressive mountain backdrop. Its natural charms have enticed many investors to build luxurious resorts, which help visitors escape from city life.
From far off, Ninh Van Bay has a quaint air about it. Small wooden houses line the beach, perched on rocks or hills that bring a sense of calm to the landscape.
However, this region of Ninh Hoa Town was the location of brutal fighting during the war. It was deemed the perfect place for a resistance base because of its rugged mountainous terrain, many reefs and narrow harbour passages.
Although few people know that Ninh Van Bay was a maritime base of the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" on the sea, local residents are proud of its history, which includes a fierce naval battle between liberation forces and US and Sai Gon ships and aircraft. An officer of the liberation navy, Nguyen Phan Vinh, captained a ship in the skirmish.
On March 1, 1968, Vinh's ship reached Hon Heo Peninsula to unload weapons and other supplies intended for Khanh Hoa's combatants, and came under attack suddenly by enemy ships. Instead of surrendering, Vinh ordered his crew to ready themselves for a fight. Ultimately, his vessel was destroyed along with 13 of the crew who sacrificed themselves for their mission.
Pham Thi Huong, a long-time resident of Ninh Hoa Town's Ninh Thuy Commune, says that a few days after the boat exploded, around 9,000 enemy soldiers were sent to mop up the area.
"We all avoided capture and found five survivors from the battle the next day," she recalls.
The image of Vinh's ship anchored in Ninh Van Bay still lingers in the minds of many local people. They are now fighting a new war against poverty and are determined to develop their town into a successful tourist destination.
You can see the evidence of their victory in the many tall buildings and spacious houses that differentiate Ninh Van from other coastal areas in Vietnam tours. Even as nearby as Van Phong Bay's Son Dung Island - one of Asia's most beautiful beaches about 20km from Ninh Hoa Town - the economic situation is demonstrably worse. There are only 30 people on that island, which offers another striking contrast with busy Ninh Van Bay.
Chair woman of Ninh Van Commune Tra Thi Bong Sen says that "in...
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Looking for company for a life time trip in South America Tema: Looking for company for a life time trip in South America - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: Looking for company for a life time trip in South America

Hello greetings from Argentina 8)
My name is Santiago I have 22 years old and I’m looking for company for a life time trip in Latin America and Central America.
Starting at Buenos Aires and going south to see the whole Ushuaia till the bottom touching Antarctica
after that returning by plane to Buenos Aires and going to Foz do Iguacu and from there to do the entire coast of Brazil to Fortaleza and spend the Carnival in Salvador de Bahia!
from Fortaleza fly to Peru to visit Machu Pichu
from there go to Ecuador to go to the Galapagos Island than Colombia from there continue going up to Panama and Costa Rica and from there end up back home.
begin in October-November till the end of March
that's my plan, but everything can change during the trip
I'm looking for company for the ride for the whole trip or parts of it…
I hope you answer me as soon as possible and I’ll be happy to get some other ideas plans and help to make this ride.
Such as making the coast of Brazil? plane? bus? which is better? and cheaper?
*** I'm not gay ***
Thanks I hope your answer soon

Vietnam Tours Tema: Vietnam Tours - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: The Vietnamese Bicycle

During the Vietnam war, tubeless reinforced bicycles moved tons of supplies over the Ho Chi Minh Trail, on jungle paths and over mountains, by passing the DMZ into South Vietnam. To staunch the flow, the US Air Force deployed massive bombardments, movement sensors, rain making and chemical concoctions that were ultimately unsuccessful. More information>>

The Con Dao Archipelago – Lovely oceanic outpost

tips go to Yogyakarta and Borobudur temple Tema: tips go to Yogyakarta and Borobudur temple - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: tips go to Yogyakarta and Borobudur temple

The Prambanan Guesthouse, Jl. Prawirotaman 14. They charge 64.000 Rp (fan + cold water), 84.000 Rp (fan + hot water) and 116.000 Rp (AC + hot water). In low season they give a reduction of about 15 %. In high season (july-august) they're often full. They have a small swimming pool and garden were you will have your breakfast. Breakfast and "afternoon snack" (cake with tea or coffee) is included. (prices 8/00).
- You can make reservations :
- Indonesia : fax (0274)384256 or tel. (62-274) 376167
- Belgium : phone/fax (0032-2) 361.37.38
- Duta Garden Hotel, Timuran MG (not to be confused with Duta Guest House on Jl. Prawirotaman), is also recommended. You can get a big room with mandi and AC for 180.000 Rp (7/98). It's set in a nice garden, has a pool, and the staff can do some babysitting. Their website is at
- The Agung Guesthouse charges 35.000 Rp for a triple room including breakfast, private bathroom and they have a swimming pool (10/98)
- Rose Hotel on Jl. Prawirotaman is also a good deal. They have a big swimming pool, and for only 20.000 Rp, you get a double with fan, and for 40.000 Rp a double with fan and hot water (10/98). Another report was a bit less enthousisastic saying service was unpersonnal.(6/98).
Restaurants / Cafés
Via via, Jalan Prawirotaman 24b. A Belgian run travellercafé with excellent fruit juices, milk-shakes, salad dishes and more. Every day they serve a different typical Indonesian meal.
- Prambanan Restaurant, Jalan Prawirotaman 14. Excellent beef dishes. Good alternative music and nice setting (bamboo tables, chairs and walls)
Tourist Office
Located at Jalan Malioboro 175. Closed on Sunday.

Open from Monday till Saturday from 8.00 AM to 20.00 PM

A lot of small travel agencies can be found at the street Jl. Prawirotaman.
Or online travel agencies:
Special trip to Dieng plateau :

special trip to Borobudur:

Special trip to Prambanan:

Yogyakarta taxi motorcycle

special tour around Java_Bali:

Best Tour driver in Yogyakarta and borobudur Temple:

What to do?

- The Kraton itself is fine, but nothing fantastic.
- Opening hours : Mon-Thurs (8.00...
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Auckland Acommodation Tema: Auckland Acommodation - The Independent Traveller (English) Foro: The Independent Traveller (English)

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EnvíoAsunto: Auckland Acommodation

hello, im ana, i will stay in auckland next weekend and i need cheap or free acommodation...i have a flat in buenos aires, is where im, and maybe we can do exchange...if somebody know something about it, please tell me ....thanks, and best regards...anapaula
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