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Playa-Beach Qeshm island, Iran ✈️ Foro The Independent Traveller (English) ✈️

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EnlacesAsunto: Qeshm island, Iran

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From walking on a picturesque sandy beaches, to hiking in between the great canyons in the star valley, Qeshm island is a must see island, which has more to offer than meets the eye,

Qeshm Island is ideally located in south of Iran, close to Bandar Abbas, one of Iran’s famous sea port and benefits from a large amount of hours of sun per year, so it makes it an ideal place to travel to all year round.

The dolphin shape island, allows you to enjoy being entertained by the friendly dolphins and the underwater world in either one of their shows or even meeting up-close while you’re having a dip in one of the turquoise seas around this amazing island.

Iran might be famous for its Kish island as one of the most sought after touristic destinations, but Qeshm is truly one of the hidden gems of Iran, which offer a variety of entertainment, landscapes, beaches, cuisines and fun activity for all tastes; So wherever you travel in Qeshm, you’ll find it has rich tales to share; history, and a lot of legends.

Wake up in paradise

The stunning landscapes and friendly locals are with their colorful Traditional regional clothes will make you feel welcome from the first impression.

People and places

Meet friendly people and listen to the traditional music while. Hiking around the Islands and Diving in Persian Gulf.

Qeshm has strong trade and cultural ties to India and Pakistan, and you can taste some of the cultural exchange in the more spice oriented cuisine compared to the rest of Iran.

However, they truly know themselves to be Iranian first and foremost, and the rest of the food is prepared the traditional Iranian way.

Discover Hara Marine forests (Mangrove jungle)

It is said around 1.5% of world’s birds and 25% of Iran’s native birds can be found in this beautiful Mangrove tree forests. Depending on the time of your visit, you can go about on the waterways during the high tides and enjoy the beautiful mangroves. This forest is mainly used for fishing, tourist boats, and a small amount of leaf-cutting for livestock feed. Sea turtles, crabs, shrimp, snakes, herons, cranes, and pelicans are among the animals that call this forest home.
For booking an Iran hotel [edited by moderator] would be my recommondation.

Portuguese Fortress

Portuguese Castle is one of the remaining architectures left behind from the time of the Portuguese occupancy of the island in the 16th century to maintain control over the Strait of Hormoz, some locals believe the name for some Islands around Qeshm and Hormoz originated from Portuguese roots with the mean of “good economy Island”.

Hengam Island

Full of tropical fishes, variety of dolphin involved activities. Enjoy the fascinating rock formations and a mixture of glistening black sand over beige sand make it a little bit more heavenly. The roaming Gazelle which obtain their drinking water from pressing their hooves into the ground populate this beautiful island in the Persian Gulf.

Bandar Laft

Many ancient Persian architectural structure, wind catchers, ventilation system (badger) and ancient water reservoirs (Ab Anbar) still exist and are still used by locals today.

This fishing town is located on the fin of Qeshm Island and is known for its many stone drilled wells called (Talla Wells) with a unique name for each one, according to the days in a leap year, and still used and remembered by the locals. 100 of these wells still remain to date and can be visited by travelers.

Lenj Shipyard

Lenj Shipyard is a Shipbuilding yard close to Bandar Laft used for fishing by the local fishermen. The different stages of the ship making is displayed from the entrance of the Lenj.

Namakdan Salt Cave

The breathtaking dome decorated Namakdan (salt shaker) cave is decorated inside with white salty chandeliers and stalactites at 6,850 meters long. This cave which is a result of sea water accumulating in the faults, is known to be the longest cave in the world.

Other amazing caves not to miss out on are the:

Khorbas Cave

Kobras cave is a half natural, half man made by ancient Persian to watch for enemies in the past. This beautiful cave is ideally located facing the Persian Gulf and packed with many tunnels to keep the cave enthusiastic and adventure lovers excited.

Valley of the Stars result of years of erosion by heavy precipitation

Locals believe that a star once fell on this area thereby creating the rocky shapes that make it seem as if from another planet. In fact, it is the.

Valley of Starts is decorated by various rock formations, pillars and canyon-like paths made of sandstone and marl which is a result of years of erosion by heavy precipitation.

Many locals believe that these strange shapes were created by a start which fell on this location and some also believe the valley is filled with a lot of (Ruh) ghosts.

Don’t forget to hike to the top and enjoy the layers of shells embedded in the rocks, giving it a tile- like art impression.

After exploring the valley of stars, don’t forget to walk along the natural Chahkooh (mountains of wells), which is a path with wells on each side narrowing down to the end, where the wells almost touch each other.

Other locations to look out for:

Qeshm desert - Reachable with a 4x4 car.

Naaz islands.

Crocodile farm.

Qeshm roof.

Bukhow Mountain.

Basira Mountain.


As Qeshm is a duty free zone, meaning it is possible to buy things here free of duty. You can explore the new Shopping centers with great AC systems offering clothes as little as $2 a piece or get lost in the old Markets where you enjoy haggling prices with the locals, wearing their traditional clothing.

Eat /Drink

Iranian cuisine — you can find the main Iranian cuisines from the mainland on this Island, but don’t miss out on trying out the local sea food selection which this island has to offer.

Due to its location most dishes are seafood based, and enjoy from a variety of spices and color which is integrated from their relation to with the neighboring Arab and Asian countries.

Tea is mainly served all over this island, which is mild and relaxing with strong aromatic flavors which compliments the scenery either as you are hiking, looking out from your hotel's balcony, staring at the starts as you camp out, or relaxing on one of the beaches.

Alcohol beverage is prohibited, similar to the mainland.


Enjoy live music by local artists performing all-time favorite song (you could even get a couple of MJ as a special request) by the talented performers, and enjoy local dishes with a tasty Shisha and side tea in a friendly oriented spot.


In one of our best picks of Qeshm (check out 1stQuest) or even experience and outdoor adventure in overnight camping experiences.
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