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Restaurante-Comida Fish Market en Bergen (Noruega): visita, opiniones ✈️ Foro Europa Escandinava ✈️ p63 ✈️

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Willy Fog

Willy Fog

Mensajes: 36668

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Esto es sinceridad y lo demás son tonterías! Riendo Riendo Riendo

If you want to experience the genuine Bergen and its historic heritage, the Bergen Fish Market is not the right place to visit. Most of the visitors here are tourists and it is definitively the #1 tourist trap in Bergen today. Most of the products sold here can be bought much cheaper in regular stores. You will meet very few local people shopping here, not even working here. Just saying.

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To look is one thing,
To see what you look at is another,
To understand what you see is a third,
To learn from what you understand is something else
But to act on what you learn Is what really matters
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