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Hotel Final de Liga de Campeones. Hoteles y B&B en Roma ✈️ Foro The Independent Traveller (English) ✈️

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New Traveller
New Traveller
Mensajes: 6
Ubicación: Rome
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EnlacesAsunto: Final de Liga de Campeones. Hoteles y B&B en Roma

Comunicado de prensa de B&B Roma Network - - en Inglés.

On 27 May 2009 at the Olympic Stadium of Rome there will be the Final Match of UEFA Champios League. The Olympic Stadium is easily accessible from central Rome by subway (line A) and by bus (line 2).

B&B Roma Network wants to ensure to all sports fans best prices for their reservations in the center of the city. Rooms with private bathroom in the center and near Termini Station for 85.00 euros per room per night (minimum stay of two nights). There are also rooms with bath outside for those who want cheaper solutions, starting from 55,00 euro per room per night. The special prices are also available for Single Rooms, Triple Rooms and Apartments.

B&B Roma Network will provide special discounts for small groups and for long staying.
Go to B&B Roma Network website or contact immediately the Live Free Assistance to have more information:

Phone: (+39) 0698356490 | msn messenger: | skype: | facebook
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