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Red Lotus Sea: Visitar, Epocas - Udon Thani - Tailandia ✈️ Foros de Viajes ✈️


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EnlacesAsunto: Red Lotus Sea: Visitar, Epocas - Udon Thani - Tailandia

Muevo tu mensaje al hilo de udon.

Parece que como comentas no hay info en el foro. La verdad es que tiene muy buena pinta!!
Red Lotus Sea: Visitar, Epocas - Udon Thani - Tailandia - Foro Tailandia

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How to get to the Red Lotus Sea?
Talay Bua Daeng is located around 40 kilometres south-east of Udon Thani city. The access point to Red Lotus Lake and where the hire boats are located is in Ban Diam on the Northeast side of the lake.

There are two choices when it comes to hiring a boat: small wooden longboats which seat two people and larger plastic boats which seat eight people. We hired a small boat, perfect for a couple, which cost 300 Baht for one hour (i.e. 150 Baht per person) while the larger boats cost 500 Baht for one hour. Boat hire includes a driver, life vests and small canopies which provide shade.

The Red Lotus Sea showcases its beauty during Thailand’s cool season, but the peak blooms occur from the beginning of December to the end of February. The best time of day to see the lotus blossoms is between 6 am until 11 am or 12 pm. ...don-thani/ ...-thailand/ ...otus-lake/
Ir arriba Nari85 26 Fotos

Imagen: Wanderlust
Willy Fog
Willy Fog
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EnlacesAsunto: Red Lotus Sea, Ban Diam, Kumphawadpi Reserve- Tailandia

Bellactriz Escribió:
Bellactriz Escribió:
Hola viajeros? Alguien ha visitado Red Lotus Sea? He leído por las redes que la época para verlas en flor es de Noviembre a Marzo. No he leído nada por el foro al respecto, si estoy equivocada me encantaría que me lo dijerais Sonriente

Nadie ha estado? Ojos que se mueven ...-thani-209 ...don-thani/

Estos ajustan un poco más las fechas

When is the best time to visit the Red Lotus Sea?

The Red Lotus Sea showcases its beauty during Thailand’s cool season, but the peak blooms occur from the beginning of December to the end of February. The best time of day to see the lotus blossoms is between 6 am until 11 am or 12 pm.

This natural attraction is the perfect place to visit during Valentine’s Day weekend. The Red Lotus Sea Festival is also held in mid-January every year at the nearby Wat Bandiem (วัดบ้านเดียม), which is alternatively referred to as Wat Mahathat Thep Chinda.

Más info ...s-sea.html

Ah! y para templar espectativas ...don-thani/

Is the lake worth visiting?

The Red Lotus Lake in Udon Thani has been on my to-do list for a number of years, but the timing of my previous visits to Udon Thani has never worked out. I’m glad I finally made it, but the lake wasn’t as spectacular as I’d been led to believe. It’s a pleasant enough trip and is worthwhile doing if you are in Udon Thani, but temper your expectations. The flowers only bloom on certain stretches of the water and you do have to travel some distance in the boat before you see them. Don’t go with romantic notions of being alone with your loved one amongst millions of lotus blooms with nothing but birdsong filling the air. Although the lake is attractive and there is plenty of bird-life on view, it isn’t particularly tranquil. The motors on the boats are noisy and the lake does get busy at weekends and on Thai holidays. Try to visit on a weekday for a more enjoyable experience.

Ya contarás si vas

To look is one thing,
To see what you look at is another,
To understand what you see is a third,
To learn from what you understand is something else
But to act on what you learn Is what really matters
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EnlacesAsunto: Re: Red Lotus Sea: Visitar, Epocas - Udon Thani - Tailandia

nari85 Escribió:
Muevo tu mensaje al hilo de udon.

Parece que como comentas no hay info en el foro. La verdad es que tiene muy buena pinta!!
Red Lotus Sea: Visitar, Epocas - Udon Thani - Tailandia ✈️ Foros de Viajes - Foro Tailandia

Sacado de los blogs que te dejo mas adelante
How to get to the Red Lotus Sea?
Talay Bua Daeng is located around 40 kilometres south-east of Udon Thani city. The access point to Red Lotus Lake and where the hire boats are located is in Ban Diam on the Northeast side of the lake.

There are two choices when it comes to hiring a boat: small wooden longboats which seat two people and larger plastic boats which seat eight people. We hired a small boat, perfect for a couple, which cost 300 Baht for one hour (i.e. 150 Baht per person) while the larger boats cost 500 Baht for one hour. Boat hire includes a driver, life vests and small canopies which provide shade.

The Red Lotus Sea showcases its beauty during Thailand’s cool season, but the peak blooms occur from the beginning of December to the end of February. The best time of day to see the lotus blossoms is between 6 am until 11 am or 12 pm. ...don-thani/ ...-thailand/ ...otus-lake/

Muchas gracias, a ver si hay suerte Amistad

Viajar es imprescindible y la sed de viaje, un síntoma nato de inteligencia.
Ir arriba Bellactriz

Imagen: ANGEMI
Moderador de Zona
Moderador de Zona
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EnlacesAsunto: Mar de loto en Udon Thani - Tailandia

Publicamos la noticia enviada por Turismo de Tailandia

El mar de loto en Udon Thani

A 500 kilómetros de Bangkok, en la región de Udon Thani, tiene lugar entre los meses de diciembre y febrero este espectacular fenómeno de la naturaleza, en el que numerosas plantas de loto florecen en el lago cubriendo la superficie de un color rosado. ...udon-thani ...don-thani/

Turismo Tailandia: ...-destinos/

El mundo es un libro y aquellos que no viajan leen sólo la primera página.
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