_________________ To look is one thing,
To see what you look at is another,
To understand what you see is a third,
To learn from what you understand is something else
But to act on what you learn Is what really matters
Cali, "la sucursal del cielo" donde la alegría es religión
La capital mundial de la salsa es rumba, buen clima, gente hospitalaria, fiesta y mucha, mucha alegría. Una sucursal del cielo en la Tierra, como se conoce, donde los encantos se descubren a buen ritmo mientras recorremos las calles de una de las ciudades más antiguas de toda América.
_________________ To look is one thing,
To see what you look at is another,
To understand what you see is a third,
To learn from what you understand is something else
But to act on what you learn Is what really matters
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